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This might be shot bc I'm about to watch the new episode "Spencer" IM SO EXCITED!

Sierra's POV-
     I jumped out of Garcia's car and walked inside with her. "Why is she here?" A man asked. "Dr.Reid's daughter, Sierra Reid. She's here to help us with a case." Garcia said to the man. The man let us through. We got in the elevator and hit the 2nd floor button. When the doors opened, Morgan was standing there."Hey girl genius! What are you doing here?" Morgan seemed excited. "I'm helping with a case." Morgan raised he's eyebrows and waved at Garcia. I walked with her into the office. Everybody stared, as I had my FBI mini tag on. I had to wear this when I went into the office so they wouldn't be suspicious. Garcia closed her door and got online. Hotch walked into the room and sat down. "I still don't like that we're using her as bait. You never know what could happen." We were working a case were a teenage boy was luring in kids and kidnapping them. Bailey and I were going together as 'bait.' Nobody thought it was safe, including Hotch. "Hotch, they've taken classes and are protected. They will be ok." Garcia reassured him. He walked out and closed the door. About 5 minutes later the door opened again as Bailey walked in. We had been told to wear skirts, button-up shirts, and makeup. My hair was in a bun and Bailey's was in a fishtail braid. We got on my computer and created an account on skype called 'SisiBaiTwins.' Garcia said we needed a name that was childish. We searched up the unsubs name and messaged him. He immediately replied saying we looked cute in our profile pic.
We said thank you, and asked him if he wanted to video chat. He said yes, and we called him. Dialogue:
"Hi! Is this Sisi and Bai?"
"Yes! We're Sierra and Bailey."
"How old are you girls?"
"We are both 12."
"I'm 14. You two are cute."
"Thank you! You are too."
"Would you like to meet up?"
"SURE! Were at?"
"Alley behind the mall? 2:30 A.M?"
"Sure! We'll be there!"
*call ends*

We look at Garcia and shes smiling. We both go into Hotch's office. He gives us bullet proof vests to put on under our shirts. We both put knifes in our wallet, and tucked a gun in it pants. We had My dad and Gideon's old sensor in our pocket. We practiced all day long.
* 12:00 A.M.*

Bailey's POV-
     Hotch, Morgan and my Dad walked out with us and followed us to the alley. It was 1:57 when we got there, and he was already there. "You sure look older." Sierra said. He ran for Sierra and tackled her. I was ready to press the button but Dad told us not to press it unless we were in real danger. I tried I help Sierra but it was no use. There was another man there. The older man picked me up and threw me in a van with Sierra. I grabbed the radio. "There's another man." I whispered. They tied up our feet and duct taped our mouth. As we got to our destination they took us out and threw us in a basement. The younger boy grabbed Sierra and pulled a knife. I immediately hit my button. I looked at Sierra and winked. She nodded, knowing that I hit my button. About 15 minutes later I heard somebody knocking on the door. "FBI OPEN UP!" It was Morgan's voice. As the men ran upstairs, I went and united Sierra's ropes, as she did the same for me. We started to run upstairs until I felt something. Something familiar. A taser. It was in my back, I fell over.

Morgan's POV-
     Hotch apprehended the man. Rossi and I searched the house. Soon I noticed that the door to the basement was cracked. I kicked it open the rest of the way. I immediately saw Bailey laying on the stairs. I ran up to her.
"Bailey, it's Morgan. Can you hear me."
Bailey sat straight up. "He tased me. I acted like I didn't have a vest on." Rossi took Bailey out as I went and got Sierra.

Sorry but the new episode is coming on. If Spencer dies I will shoot myself. Mark my words.

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