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Sierra's POV-
     I walk outside with Bailey. I had been staying at her house ever since I got out of the hospital. Today my dad was being dispatched. I hopped in the backseat and got on my phone. I got on Instagram and posted that I was going to get my dad today. Going to get @gublergram from the hospital. ILY DADDY!:3
When we pulled up to the hospital Bailey and I got out and ran inside, not waiting for Mr.Rossi. I ran up the escalator and to his room. I slowly opened the door and he was asleep. We crept in and we both stood on either ends of him. His eyes fluttered open as he looked at both of us."Hey! Come here." I walked over to my dad as he kissed me on the cheek. He had a brace on his knee and a bandage around his neck. The nurse came in and rolled him out on a wheel chair. Mr.Rossi drove us home and we stayed with him for the rest of the evening. When we got home i helped Dad get inside with his crutches. I helped him sit down and I brought him a bottle of Cola. I sat down and turned on he TV. "Forensic Files?" I asked him. "Whatever you want."

Spencer's POV-
     I sat and watched Forensic Files with Sierra for hours. As a new show came on I looked over and found Sierra fast asleep. I was ready to get up, but decided to stay with her. I leaned over and turned off the light, and wrapped up in my blanket, soon drifting off.

*next morning*
     I woke up to somebody knocking on the door. I rubbed my eyes and got up on my crutches. It was Garcia. I weans over to the door and opened up. "Hi geniusboy! Where's my little genius?" I laughed and pointed over to where Sierra was sleeping. Garcia went over to her and woke her up. Soon they were out the door to go shopping.

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