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Percy Jackson slept on her side, facing away from the guy she fell asleep with. The covers were sloppily pulled over her nude body.

She groaned as the alarm clock beside the bed started blaring. The woman reached up and hit the snooze just as the name behind her snakes his arms around her waist. He pulled her back against him and buried his face in her hair.

"Just stay in bed. Cuddle with me." He said, breathing in the smell of her kiwi scented shampoo.

"As much as I'd love to stay in bed with you all day, I have to go to work. And, I have to start getting ready now, or I'll be late." Percy twisted her body around to face him. She pressed a quick kiss to his lips and rolled out of the bed.

The woman pulled on a black pair of slacks from her dresser drawer and a button up white tee from the closet. She tucked the collared shirt into her pants and fastened a belt through the loops in the pants. Percy grabbed a pair of socks from a basket of clean clothes that was set in the floor by the door and slipped those on before she pulled her Walmart sneakers onto her feet.

The woman quickly ran to the bathroom and brushed her teeth. She gargled mouthwash for a few seconds before spitting that out. Percy ran a brush through her hair and sloppily pulled it up in a high ponytail. Before she left the bathroom that was connected to the bedroom she shared with her boyfriend, she used the mist to cover any visible scars because as a waitress, tons of scars seem to scare some customers. Percy Jackson left the room with a quick "I'll see you around 5:30" to her sleeping boyfriend. After grabbing her waitressing apron, she walked out and to the bus stop.

When the bus came, she bought a ticket and greeted the driver, as she did every day.

"Hey Frank." She said.

"Hi Percy." He replied. "Off to work?"

"I always am. Do you even have to ask anymore?" She asked the old man playfully.

"Just tryna make some happy conversation."

"I appreciate it." She gave him a smile before heading back to a seat. This time of day was always a popular time for bussing. The vehicle was always crowded. Percy often ended up sitting with a stranger. Today she didn't so that was good.

When the bus reached the closest stop to the small diner she worked at, she headed back to the front.

"Have a nice day Frank. Say 'hi' to Kathy for me, will you?"

"I will. You have a nice day at work." He smiled and she left the bus. The girl continued her walking until she reached the cafe a few stores down from her workplace.

She went in and stood in the small line for about 10 minutes or so before she could order her usual morning meal. "Regular coffee extra cream and sugar and one black coffee. Also can I get banana nut muffin and one blueberry muffin?"

"Yes. You're number 29." The worker said.


The number was called shortly after she was told it. She grabbed one cup and the bag with the muffins in one hand and grasped the other cup in her free hand. Percy moved to the door and prepared to push it open, but someone else for it first. The woman held the door open for her.

"Thank you so much." Percy said.

"Percy?" The woman asked. Percy looked at her for a moment.

"Amy! Sorry I didn't recognize you. I wasn't thinking. How are you?" Percy did well at taking kindness. This woman was Tommy's ex-fiancee and while he was away overseas, she started seeing his best friend. Long story short, they're now engaged and Tommy was with Percy. He was still bitter toward the two though, so Percy also felt the same way at them.

 Just Not Ready (A Female Percy Jackson/ Avengers Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now