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Well, this party was a lot less painful than the last. For starters, there were less people and Percy got to choose her own outfit, which was definitely cool. Actually, she only kind of got to choose her own outfit.

Before anyone came over, Nikki gave a list of nanes and numbers for Flash and the boys to call while the girls got ready. Percy soon found that Tommy didn't even pack her all that much to wear.

The demigoddess borrowed a green dress from her friend. It was mint green and strapless and she wore white heels, a white jacket, and silver jewelry with it. This dress was looser and longer than the last one she borrowed from Nikki and overall she was more comfortable, which was cool.

When Percy was done getting ready, she came downstairs to the party forming and people filling in the rooms. Percy poured herself a glass of rum. She didn't really like drinking that much, but she did on occasion do it.

While her friends began getting drinks and such, she sat off to the side, sipping orange juice and playing on her phone. Her favorite game was Tetris.


Eventually people began passing out and leaving. Percy noticed Flash walk out the door with a pretty blonde. Wade came up to Percy and they began talking.

"So I'm in medical school now. I am training to be a surgeon some day." He explained. He had alcohol on his breath, Percy noted, but he wasn't really drunk; buzzed would be a better way to describe it.

"What made you want to be a doctor?" Percy asked.

"In senior year, I started thinking about it because of how often I ended up sitting in a hospital because of you along with some other occurrences," he joked "and took it as a sign from God that I should be a doctor."

That was ridiculous, Percy thought, but didn't say anything because it would hurt him. No god gives out signs for what you should be.

They kept talking, mostly just catching up. He said she could sleep in the room he was sleeping in since she was never told where she would be sleeping and his roommate was Flash, who had left for the night. They went upstairs and changed into more comfortable clothes before going to sleep.

Or at least, that's what Percy wishes happened.

Instead, they went upstairs and before changing, he stepped in close to her and kissed and she kissed back.

She tore his shirt over his head and he struggled with the zipper of the dress. The man lifted her up onto him, she wrapped her legs around his waist. Her fingers roamed his back and shoulders and his finally managed to figure out the dress zipper.

Percy remembered the rest of the night with vivid detail, even the next morning when she woke up in her ex's arms, totally naked. The worst part was that she didn't even regret it really. She liked it and she definitely wanted it, but the only downside was that it would hurt Tommy if he found out. He would be devastated, but she didn't regret it, even if she wished it didn't happen.

She remembered the fist time  slept in the same bed as Wade O'Neill. He was a cuddler then, just as he was now with his arms around Percy and his body pressed to her's. He was just as warm as she remembered. And, she knew it was different being with Tommy than it was being with Wade. With Wade, there was true passion and in a way, love and real lust. With Tommy, Percy felt less... She didn't know how to describe it but there was something missing when she had sex with Tommy, something she felt a bit when she was with Wade, something she was positive she would feel, it she was with Peter.

 Just Not Ready (A Female Percy Jackson/ Avengers Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now