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Percy and Tommy weren't a perfect couple, not even close.

"You're keeping something from me!" Tommy yelled at his girlfriend, repeating the same fight they constantly have.

"Maybe I want something to stay private about myself!" She shot back.

"It clearly bothers you, so maybe you shouldn't keep it private!" He shouted angrily.

"I don't want to have this conversation again, Tommy! I don't ask you to tell me every secret about you! You shouldn't ask that of me!"

"I just dont want to see you hurting and not be able to help because you want to keep secrets! Just tell me what is is and I can help you get over it!"

She couldn't tell him though. It was the anniversary of the second titan war, her 24th birthday, and she was upset. Percy was in mourning and couldn't tell her boyfriend because she didn't want to ever talk about her demigod life again, not when it failed her in her time of most need. This had occurred on multiple occasions where something godly had come up and she found herself in a dark place. Each time, she spent the whole day brooding and by 7 at night Tommy had enough. They would have the same fight they always did and... well, this is how it went down.

"I refuse to sleep in the same house as a boy who won't let me have some privacy!"

At the point in the fight, she stormed off to their room and grabbed a bag. She stuffed clothes in it, including her work stuff and slid on shoes. The girl then brushed past her boyfriend and left the house.

She walked to the bus stop and say on the curb. It was about 45 minutes before the bus arrived. She paid the night bus driver and took a seat. Whenever she and Tommy fought, she would storm off to May's. May always let Percy sleep over and actually enjoyed to company.

Tommy, after Percy left, called his older brother, Tyler, and asked to crash at his place. He didn't really want to sleep in the house alone. It felt much too lonely to be alone in his childhood home without his brothers, mother, sister, or girlfriend at least. HYDRA had done a number on the man. He didn't like to be alone for too long. Percy's long work hours were only survivable because while they were captive, one of them would be dragged off to a nearby room for prolonged torture and the other would be left alone. Thomas Garland's oldest brother drove by and picked up his brother. Tyler Garland picked up his little brother and let him crash on his couch at home, which made Tommy happy because he could see his niece and sister in law.

When the bus pulled up about 6 blocks away from May's apartment, she walked under the darkening sky and over the damp sidewalk until she reached her destination. She rang the bell on the call box, which the other girl quickly responded to by buzzing Percy up.

"Hey, Percy. Are you fighting with Tommy again?" May asked.

"Yeah. Same fight as usual." Percy made a Jim from The Office  face and continued. "Seriously though. I tell him everything else about me and he complains about the one part I never want to talk about, never want to remember. Why can't he understand that?"

"I don't know, Percy." May said.

"Why do you have so many Cinderella things anyway?" Percy finally asked

May collected Cinderella merchandise. Percy never asked why, but she had noted the glass figurines she had in a glass case and all the knick knacks and toys she had around her apartment, including the blankets and pillowcases.

"When I was a little kid, my dad always went off on business trips to far away places and always brought me back presents. They were always Cinderella themed since she was my favorite. I kept everything and can't bear to part with any of it because, even though my parents basically disowned me for premarital pregnancy, it brings me closer to them." May explained.

 Just Not Ready (A Female Percy Jackson/ Avengers Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now