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Percy slept rather soundly in her old cabin. That is until she woke up to the alarm she had set from six years ago that no one changed. 7:45 was much too early to be awake, but she got up anyway and proceeded to get dressed. She pulled on a t-shirt and a pair of black yoga pants with a nice pair of sneakers laced up nicely.

She pulled her hair up in a tight ponytail and made her way to the dining pavilion. As expected, she forgot to check in with Chiron and rather stalked to the dining pavilion for breakfast.

She didn't notice all eyes on her as she sat down at Poseidon's table and started texting May. One could imagine her surprise upon being tapped on her shoulder by someone. Percy turned to face whoever it was and found herself pleasantly surprised. Immediately, she jumped up to hug her friend. "Connor! It's been ages!" She pulled away to arms length. "How've you been?"

"I'm good!" Percy noticed he was taller now and his hair was shorter, making his look older. Actually no, scratch that. She didn't actually know how old Connor was, so he very well might look his age. "How are you? And where have you been; everyone's been wondering!?" he chuckled and surveyed her appearance. 

Percy was slow to respond, but after a moment she did. "I'm good too. I was in the military for a bit then I was living in Virginia."

"That's awesome, Percy. We've missed you though. You haven't visited once in 6 years." The way he said it made it seem like he was joking, but Percy still felt the familiar sting of guilt in her stomach. 

"Yeah, sorry about that. I was a little caught up in my own world for a while." she laughed nervously. "So, do you still live here at camp, or did the gods recruit you too?"

"My dad called me and told me to come back here about two weeks ago. I know a few others were contacted and just haven't arrived yet." He explained, before moving his head to look at the camp of halfbloods staring at them. "It seems you've gathered an audience. Let's walk to avoid prying eyes and ears."

Percy nodded in agreement and the duo began walking towards the big house. Only now, did Percy remember she was supposed to check in with Chiron. She didn't think it mattered anymore, though because she was on her way over now.

"So, what's up? Why'd you want to leave?"

"The information we were given is meant to stay classified. Chiron was supposed to tell you when you first got here, but I assume you got here late last night and the gods didn't tell you to stop in this morning." Conner's expression changed to a more serious one. 

"No, I actually forgot, but Apollo did tell me to. And, it makes sense that not everyone would know everything."

"Also, it's not public knowledge, but some of the older demigods like us who left aren't expected to come." Percy gave Conner a  confused look, prompting him to elaborate further. "Travis and Katie won't be coming because they're expecting a kid, Piper and Jason are using college as an excuse not to come, and Leo and Calypso are unreachable."

"Wow. I sure have missed a lot." Percy tried lightening the mood. "Congrats, though, on the becoming and uncle."

"Thanks, but were screwed because that's everyone we've tried contacting so far. No Greek demigod was really comfortable contacting the Romans, so we were kind of hoping you could help us out with gathering support. You have the most connections out of all demigods with your Romans and Egyptians and the Avengers and whatnot."

"So, you guys wanted me to call on a few old friends to see if they'll back us?"

"That was our intention."

"Okay fine, but I choose who we call." 

"Sounds awesome!"

The two demigods walked into the big house together and found Chiron with Mr. D playing pinochle. Once Percy and Conner made their presence  known, they exchanged pleasantries and got down to business.  They argued about everything for a long while including what to say to each potential ally and how to go about asking. Percy brought most ideas to the table, Mr. D pointed out the flaws with her ideas, and Connor and Chiron listened and only offered their thoughts in some areas. 

"The best course of action is to go in person to meet with these people. It's a more personal and appreciated way to ask for help. Maybe we should even bring gift baskets." Percy argued. "It's rude to just call someone and ask them to go out of their way to help without bringing them anything in return."

"That will take too long, Pearl." Mr. D said. "The truth is, we have serious problems coming our way soon and it would be horrible to be caught off guard with our most powerful demigod on some trip to be friendly."

"It's not to make friends. It's more to make alliances because we need to form strong alliances fast. The fastest way to ally is through face to face meetings and discussions." Percy was getting heated, but managed to control herself from lashing out. "I think to meet them in person will show that we're someone worth making an alliance  with. If we show them we're willing to give them our precious time, it will show them we are committed and actually will work for an alliance." 

"I agree with Percy, Dionysus." Chiron said. "But, we must take great caution. We will send a small quest to gather allies. however, I do not agree, Percy, with your claim that we shouldn't contact that superhero group that you're friends with. They could be a great help to our cause." he paused before continuing. "Percy, I advise you pick a few people by tomorrow morning and hopefully you can leave before midday tomorrow."

Percy nodded, understanding that any type of argument would be in vain. She knew her first member would obviously be Connor, but she didn't really know anyone else at camp right now. Conner and Percy left the Big House at about noon because of how long they discussed that. 

"Hey, Conner?" She said as they walked towards the training arena. "Do you wanna join me in going to ask the other pantheons to ally with us?"

"I was hoping you'd ask." he laughed. "Well, I was expecting it. You don't really know any other demigods here with us."

"Speaking of...?" she trailed off, obviously asking him to help her with a third person. he got the message and nodded. 

"I've gotten to know a few of the kids here and a few have potential, but they'll all be starstruck in your presence."

"I'm nothing to fawn over." Percy said with a slight blush creeping up. 

"You're an inspiration to them. You're the greatest hero of our generation. It's no surprise that they look up to you." he explained. 

Once they arrived at the arena, all heads turn in their direction. It wasn't a surprise given Percy's legacy, but she still felt weird with everyone looking at her.

"So, are we here to spar?" Percy asked, rather anxious to practice sword play again. 

"If you want."

"Oh, I want." She drew her sword from her pocket as quick as she could and immediately found a battle stance. "It's been ages since I've been able to swing this thing."

"You better hope you haven't gotten rusty because I've improved." The two laughed and then jumped into combat. The demigods watching them could hardly keep up with them. Percy was still very good with her sword, but was out of practice. It seemed at though Connor kept in shape and practiced regularly, so they were pretty evenly matched at the moment. 

They sparred multiple times, Percy regaining her former prowess slowly through muscle memory. Once they finished, her and Connor spent the day hanging out and getting caught up. He invited her to hang out by Zeus's fist with a few campers after  dark.

 Just Not Ready (A Female Percy Jackson/ Avengers Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now