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The demigod trio passed a brief farewell before Percy carefully crossed the street. When she went up to the truck driver, who had been outside her truck filling the tank, Percy noticed the woman seemed in a pretty good mood. This would likely work in her favor, so Percy spoke with her.

"Hello, I noticed your license plate is from Virginia. Would you happen to be going there?" Percy hoped she didn't sound rude asking. "And if it's not an inconvenience could I hitch a ride with you?"

"Well I'll be goin' down there but not till later this evenin'." She paused to pull the deisel nozzle from the truck and close the tank. "See it's the last stop for the night and I still gotta' get up to Connecticut first. You can tag along, but it'll be a long drive."

"Sounds good, thanks!" Percy smiled and adjusted her bag before climbing into the passenger seat. Her eye immediately caught on the car charger plugged into the stereo. Since her phone was still dead, she was hoping the trucker would let her use it.

"Can I plug in my phone for a bit?" Percy asked.

"Go for it." She started up the truck and pulled onto the road.


"Tommy, you have like 27 new texts! Do you ever check your phone?" May called from the kitchen, where she found Tommy's phone gathering messages.

"Nah, I'm not really good at keeping up with it. I turn the volume off so I don't have to worry." He got up off the couch and walked into the kitchen to check his phone.

"Dude, you're like 26. That's so irresponsible." May teased and handed him his phone. In return, Tommy stuck his tongue out at her and unlocked his phone.

"Shit, I really do have 27 messages." Confused, he read aloud the senders. "Percy, Bucky, and some unknown numbers." He quickly scanned through them. "So Percy's coming home and it sounds like our friend Bucky is bringing her family over. Should I respond?"

"Well the first one was sent like two days ago. I think it would seem rude to respond now." Tommy thought may's words seemed reasonable, so he nodded. "Let's just wait till they get here and say you lost the phone or it broke or something."

Tommy nodded more enthusiastically. "Sounds like a good plan. Wanna watch a movie and order food?"

"We always order in." May whined.

"I don't cook." He made a face and grabbed the house phone to dial for Thai food.


Bucky was relieved when Percy answered him, by he was a little annoyed by her request.

'I'll be home later tonight. Can you stall the Avengers until tomorrow so I have a night to relax?'

It probably wouldn't go over well, but he owed her and had no choice but to oblige.

'Sure. But they'll probably be at your house early tomorrow.' He typed out the response before standing and addressing the Avengers. "Percy just texted me. She'll be home tomorrow. We should get some hotel rooms or something."

"But we just got here." Tony whined. It was true; they had just pulled up to the house and the group was preparing to knock on the door."We should just stay and wait in case she's home early."

 Just Not Ready (A Female Percy Jackson/ Avengers Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now