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The only Avengers who stuck around after Peter left were Tony, Steve, Bucky, Wanda, Clint, and Natasha, since the others found no real reason to stay, having no real connection to Percy.

"So now what?" Wanda asked, getting some incredulous looks from the rest of the Avengers. "It's a legit question. We've seen her and Tony decided we don't have to catch up on details so..."

"Is this your way of telling me to explain myself?" Percy asked.

"Kind of." She admitted. "I don't want to rush you, but I cant say I'm not curious. It's been a long six years."

"It sure has, but I'm not the only one who has stuff to explain." Percy looked sharply at Steve then Tony. "You two are fighting and citizens are claiming the Avengers are the bad guys. What the hell?"

"We've gone over this, haven't we?" Clint asked, not really in the mood to go over the details.

Percy thought for a moment. "No, I don't believe we have."

"It's not crazy interesting." Tony shrugged.

"Interesting enough to have you two standing on opposite sides of a battlefield." Percy said, irked. "If I believed it didn't matter, I wouldn't have asked."

There was a pause while she considered there position. "But since I'm probably not ever going to tell you about the last 6 years, its only fair you have the same choice." Green eyes scanned over each of them dead serious, finally having decided it is her business and no one else's. "Because I will never speak of it again."

She had only ever gone through it completely and to the entire story once. This was directly after she and Tommy had been rescued.


It had been two and a half days since Percy's return to the United States and the moment she had been dreading was just around the corner. A report had to be made on what happened to her-she would have to recount the entire experience to a psychiatrist, a medical professional, and a military officer who would each record her story for different reasons. The doctor (Apollo) and the psychiatrist would be there to assess her for treatment while the agent would be recording her information for government files and notes on HYDRA's actions. Waiting for their arrival to her hospital-type recovery room, where she had been for two and a half days. Apollo had come by a few times, but Percy was asleep for most of it. Once when he did catch her awake, he brought her to see Tommy, which she seemed to thoroughly appreciate.

Another half hour had passed before someone arrived. This person was Apollo, who had been in the building already.

Kicking softly on the closed door, he entered before Percy could call out a response. Not that she really could have called out because her voice was weak and her throat was sore.

"Hey, kid." He left the door slightly ajar and moved to pull some fold-out chairs from the closet. "We were just speaking with your friend Thomas Garland. Do you remember yesterday when I told you about this meeting? I know you were kind of out-of-it."

"I remember. Aren't there two more people-a psych guy and an army guy?" Her voice came out hoarse and the words burned her throat to say, but she pushed through the pain, knowing this was a necessary step to getting back home.

 Just Not Ready (A Female Percy Jackson/ Avengers Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now