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Thomas Garland woke up to the cries and shouts of his girlfriend. This happened every so often when she didn't take sleeping medication. He of course did the same because as prisoners of war, they both had nightmares of the torture they endured. Even three years after returning, the nightmares still haunted the couple.

He reached over and pulled Percy against him in a right hug. She continued to squirm and panic, but he knew that she could feel him there. Tommy didn't know what was worse, his own nightmares or having to see Percy having hers. She struggled against his grasp, but he held her tight because he didn't want her to feel alone, even if it was just a dream.

The man looked over at the clock positioned by their bed. 3:47 is what it read. He knew that if she woke up then she wouldn't go back to sleep without her pills, so she would be stuck awake till she had to get ready for work or she would skip work and sleep with the help her medicine until the afternoon.

Tommy wanted her to wake up and stop crying, but when she did wake up, she was still in tears, crying harder than before.

"I'm calling Rory and telling him you can't come in today. You go back to sleep, okay?" He asked.

She nodded and reached to the bedside table for her sleeping pills. Her mind immediately flashed to her suicide attempt 6 years ago. Oh, how she regretted that. She took two of the prescribed tablets and took a gulp of the water by her bed so they went down easily.

Percy's boyfriend went downstairs and

Tommy texted May, a young waitress for Rory's. She had on occasion filled in for Percy at work when she called out and Percy had done the same for her. May was 5 months pregnant and often called out for appointments and morning sickness. Rory usually wouldn't have allowed May to skip work but Percy always gladly filled in when possible.

'Hi, it's Tommy. Can you fill in for Percy today? She's sick.' He typed out.

After about ten minutes or so, she texted back with 'of course I can.'

Tommy felt bad because he probably woke the girl up, but continued to call and leave Rory a message to let the man know that May would be in instead of Percy.

When Tommy got back to the bedroom, he saw his girlfriend asleep. She still had the dry tears on her cheeks and sweat on her clothes. The man knew that Percy was going to be asleep for a while and wouldn't want to wake up in gross sweaty clothes, so he walked to the dresser drawers and pulled out a pair of her pajama shorts and one of his tee shirts that was on the floor. He moved the blankets off of her sleeping form and simply lifted her figure. He pulled her shirt over her head and then slipped his onto her. The shorts were a little trickier, but he managed after a few attempts.

The man then pulled the blanket back over her and drew the curtains shut. Tommy turned her alarm off and crawled into the bed next to her. He wrapped his arms around her and fell back asleep.


When Tommy woke up again, Percy was still asleep. The checked the clock for the time. It was about noon so he got up and went downstairs to the living room where he flicked on the TV. He stretched out on the couch.

He scrolled through the stations, but stopped on the news channel because he saw something about the Avengers. See, Percy told him about the Avengers and all that. The only thing she didn't tell him about was her demigod life because while they were trapped by HYDRA, her powers stopped working. It was obviously because of the lack of water they were allowing her to consume. She had to suppress her powers so that she could survive on the average amount of water for the average human being, but after so long of pushing her water powers away, she couldn't use them anymore.

Anyway, Tommy saw something about the Avengers fighting some terrorists in Lagos. There was an explosion , that would have killed a ton of people on the ground including Captain America, but the Scarlet Witch contained it and tried to send it upward to save everyone, but she couldn't control it and it blew next to a building where several people died. The media was making out that The Avengers were out of line by being there. Tommy knew that the Avengers were doing what was right because Percy told him they were good people.

An hour or so later Percy woke up and came down, wrapped in a fuzzy blanket.

"Hey." She said with a yawn. "Morning."

"Good afternoon, sleepy head." He said back, giving her a goofy smile.

"Move over." She told him. He pushed himself back further into the back of the couch. She climbed in and curled up next to him. "Lets watch a movie."

"Okay." He pulled up On Demand and they scrolled through for a movie. "Any specific genre you want?"

"I dont care." She paused "Disney."

He nodded and went to the family movies section.

It took a few minutes, but they decided on the Hunchback Of Notre Dame. Tommy fell asleep before the end and Percy woke him up at the end credits.

"Let's order food." She said. "I'm hungry."

"Can we get cheese fries?"

"Do you really expect me to say 'no'?"

He laughed and she reached to grab the phone from the coffee table in front of their couch. No menu was necessary because they had the pizza place on speed dial and the last name 'Garland' in the place's computer with their usual order.

They ate quickly when it got there and put on another movie, which they talked through.

"We should invite Bucky over soon." Percy suggested. "I miss him." 

"Me too. That's a great idea. He can be our plus one to the wedding. Well get him a tux and it'll be lit. You can sit together since I'm gonna be part of the ceremony?" He laughs, making her laugh.

 Just Not Ready (A Female Percy Jackson/ Avengers Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now