Apollo was already at the house when Percy and her friends arrived. It wasn't a surprise to the demigoddess. He could have easily teleported himself over  when no one was in sight whereas the mortal group had to drive.

"Your friends should probably not be around while we talk." Apollo said as they filed into the foyer. "This is a family matter."

Percy nodded before gesturing to the door to go back outside. "Walk with me," she paused and added softly, "my dear cousin."

As they exited her friends could hear Apollo say "I'm sorry I didn't warn you of your father's unexpected visit. He didnt tell anyone he was going to drop in."

"I understand." Percy said.

They didn't speak for a minute or so, walking down the long dirt road leading away from Nikki's family's vacation home. It was a gorgeous night. The clear sky decorated with tiny white stars and a silver crescent moon. Apollo liked the night because he could enjoy it rather than the day, Percy recalled. The day meant he had to work and actually get stuff done like driving the sun chariot. He liked the dim beauty of the night and the calm darkness it brought compared to the hectic day. Percy had to disagree with that though. For all Percy knew, Apollo's opinion could have changed since then. Gods were fickle beings and quite bipolar.

"I..." He broke the silence, then trailed off, as if thinking of a better way to say what was necessary. "As your doctor and kind of therapist, I would advise you to continue staying away from the Greek and Roman worlds." He paused, allowing her to take in his words. "As a god and a part of the Olympian council however, I urge you to help us."

"With what?" Percy asked. This was definitely a better approach than Poseidon's attempt to inform her of what was going on, but she still didn't like this. "What's happening Apollo?"

"We're not quite sure yet, but it's big. My dad hasn't told us much and Rachel isn't doing too well." They stopped walking and he turned to look her dead in the eyes. "There was a prophecy and when Rachel delivered it for the spirit of Delphi. No one noticed when Rachel gave it and once it was said, she fell into a catatonic state. I personally examined her and nothing is physically wrong with her. I've been personally taking care of her, but nothing is helping."

"You seem more worried about Rachel than you do about whatever else is going on." Percy commented.

"I am worried about Rachel, but I'm more worried about the prophecy that she was trying to give." Apollo explained.

"How long ago did it happen? Rachel, I mean. When did she try to give the prophecy?" Percy asked her cousin.

"Nine days ago she delivered it. Seven days ago she was transferred to my care from my kids' . One day ago the council came to the decision to ask you to help us." Apollo told her. "It took a lot of discussing and arguing since the cooler gods like me said we should leave you alone for once. In the end, Hephaestus switched sides so the majority vote was to contact you."

"I see." Percy said. "And whose brilliant plan was it to have my father do the contacting?"

"Your father's." Apollo chuckled. "We were still in the means of voting for who should bring you back. The votes were down to Dionysus, Hermes, and me. Uncle P wasn't even an option anymore so he took the liberty of just doing what he wanted."

"Sounds like a typical god to me." The cousins laughed as they came upon the end of the dirt road and turned onto the barren street at the end. They stayed to the side of the paved road as to avoid any cars that would come by. It was likely that no cars would come by though. "Why Hermes and Dionysus?"

"Well, Hermes was an option because he's the messenger god and he's also been friendly in the past with you so they assume you like him." Apollo explained with a chuckle. "Dionysus because he never did anything to screw you over like the other gods. Also he thinks you are super cool, but don't tell him I said that."

 Just Not Ready (A Female Percy Jackson/ Avengers Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now