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Percy couldn't hear the initial conversation between Tony and Steve, but she saw Tony's team come out to back him up. Amongst this team was Peter, Natasha, and War Machine (she was sure it was Rhodes though because he usually donned that mantle). She didn't know the other one, but they looked very committed to their cause. Peter had swung by and taken Cap's shield.

They exchanged more words, which Percy couldn't hear then Cap raised his arms, which had been webbed together by Peter. That was the signal for Clint to cut him free. Percy was with Clint, so she watched him let loose the arrow. Then she saw Scott use his super cool size changing power thing that she didn't really understand to give back Steve's shield to him.

War Machine then flew up, probably to try and locate the rest of Cap's allies. Tony flew up and toward the direction of where Percy, Wanda, and Clint were. At this point, Percy lost track of mostly everyone. Tony zeroed in on them despite the rubble from explosions all around them.

"Wanda, I think you hurt Vision's feelings." He said.

She looked at him with a mix of anger and annoyance. "You locked me in my room."

"Okay first, that's an exaggeration. Second, I did it to protect you. Hey, Clint." He paused then turned to Percy. "Who's this?"

"Hey man." Clint replied, ignoring his question.

Tony seemed to not care or not notice. "Clearly retirement doesn't suit you. Got tired of shooting golf?"

"Well I played 18, shot 18. I just can't seem to miss." Clint shot an arrow at Tony, who easily dodged and destroyed the arrow.

"First time for everything." He said, probably smiling.

"Made you look." Clint said, allowing Wanda to use her magic and pull the cars down from the garage to take Tony down.

He ended up below a few cars, which worried Percy for a moment, causing her to shout out to him. "Are you okay?" Before realizing that he might be able to recognize her voice. He either didn't hear her or didn't care to answer. Percy wasn't sure which should have been more upsetting. Wanda and Clint pulled her attention back to the mission at hand and the three of them ran to meet their comrades in running to their escape plane.

Things couldnt have gone easily of course and they were stopped in their tracks by some red guy shooting lasers at the ground in front of them.

"Captain Rogers..." the voice said. It was British and fancy sounding. "I know you believe what you're doing is right." The rest of Tony's team rallied behind the flying red dude. "But for the collective good, you must surrender now."

"What do we do, Cap?" Sam asked, voicing all the concerns.

"We fight."

They all surged forward at each other and paired off. Percy couldn't keep up with anyone's fight besides her own. She went for the black suit guy that she didn't know. Bucky also went there.

"I didn't kill your father." He said.

"Then why did you run?" The other guy said in a thick accent that Percy couldn't place. Then he flung Bucky back and Percy stepped in.

"Who are you?" She asked him. "I know everyone here besides you and the red guy."

"I could ask you the same question." He replied.

"I guess you could, but-" she was cut off by Wanda throwing him back into something or another.

She saw Peter swing in, but get cut down by Cap, so she moved to join in with that. Peter seemed to have the upper hand with Steve all tied up before doing a weird twist move to get out. Peter used his webs to swing at Steve, but was easily kicked back by a cool kick. Steve then kicked the support beam for the structure above Peter, making it drop into him. When she saw him struggling, she hesitated then went to help him. She knew it was stupid because he could handle it, but she still cared deeply for him.

He looked at her strangely for a moment when she helped him hold the structure. When he zeroed in on her eyes, the lenses of his mask widened. She knew he recognized them.

His voice was soft and vulnerable when he spoke. "Who are you?" She knew he had to know already. He was just making sure.

She didn't answer, knowing that it would only confirm his suspicions. Instead, she gave him a look that said enough to him.

They managed to throw the structure off of them just as Scott grew somehow to a gigantic version of himself and grabbed hold of War Machine.

"Holy Shit!" Peter exclaimed, before swinging up to grab Rhodey who had just been thrown by Scott.

Then he began wrapping Scott in webs and trying to take him down.

War Machine began firing at Scott, so Percy intervened and came up behind him, tackling him to the ground. He immediately took off flying and Wanda took up battle against him.

Percy stepped into combat with the accent guy from earlier, but was rather close to Wanda when War Machine began blasting with sonic energy. She fell to the ground and clutched her head in pain, losing sight of her opponent. Once she regained her wits, she turned to see the giant Scott fall to the ground and Peter crash to the ground. When neither of them got up, she worried until Tony ran to check on Peter and she saw Scott writhing on the ground back to normal size.

Red suit guy checked on Wanda who was still down. When Percy saw the stone on his head glowing in the direction of Sam (who had flown after Tony and Rhodey), she knew what was coming. She lunged at him and tackled him to the ground. The beam grazed the side of her face, knocking the mask out of place. Vision then threw her off of him. She hit her head on the ground and the world went dark.

Her unconsciousness meant that she wouldn't see when Tony returned to the scene, when he saw his long lost niece on the ground unconscious. She was unaware of him immediately going to her side and removing the portion of his suit that covered his face to make sure he was seeing her correctly.

When Natasha came back to the scene with Black Panther, she felt her heart splinter a bit at the look Tony shot her. It was a mixture of what looked like grief and worry, a look she had only seen him wear once: the day they were told his niece was dead. She moved closer and understood why he was cradling a girl who had just fought against him.

Vision was confused, but no one explained it to him. Peter stayed down. Rhodey returned with an unconscious and cuffed Sam Wilson. An angry Black Panther returned, having not been abke to avenge his father.

When the government officials came to arrest the heroes, Tony tried to keep them from taking her, but had no say in the matter. They took her as well as Sam, Clint, Wanda, and Scott.

For the first time in a long time, Tony felt himself near tears. Then he cried.

A/N I just couldn't bear to have Rhodey paralized. I got a few suggestions from readers for some of this and I'm sorry I couldn't do everything they exactly wanted, but I also had an image for how this was to go down and I wanted to stay true to that.

 Just Not Ready (A Female Percy Jackson/ Avengers Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now