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Percy met a few campers and thankfully found a third demigod for her quest at Conner's little get together. The person she decided to bring was another son of Hermes named Nate. She figured it would be a good idea because he was close with Conner and they could all get along. Nate was pretty excited too since he'd never been on a quest before.

The trio departed around 9am for Brooklyn house. This is where the Egyptian pantheon had it's followers stay.

They were in a can and on their way to their destination when Percy's phone rang.

She answered quickly recognizing the name on her screen.

"What's up?" She asked

"I need your help." A man's voice replied

"When and where?"

"Now." He then have her the information she needed to know where.

"I'll see you as soon as I can." She hung up then spoke to the cab driver. "We need to get to the airport. Can you take us there instead?"

He nodded.

"Cool thank you." Percy then looked at her companions. "We're going to Germany."


Peter Parker was doing well for himself in college. Empire State University was the best choice he made for himself. His new best friend, Harry Osborn, and his lovely girlfriend, Mary Jane, were the two best people he knew. Mary Jane, usually called MJ, and he began dating a few months into their third year of college. They met through their friend Harry who was Peter's roommate their first year.

He slowed down working as Spider-man a few years back and was only picking it back up because of the Green Goblin's recent activity in New York. Peter was still able to get in contact with Tony Stark, but they only reached out to each other in times of great need. that's why he was shocked to get a call from the Billionaire.

The personalized Gwen Stephanie ringtone began ringing as Peter was leaving Aunt May's.

"Hello?" He answered quickly, knowing it must be important business.

"Hey, Peter. I have a favor to ask you."

"What is it?" Peter asked cautiously.

"Steve's gone AWOL and I need to take him down. Will you help me?"

"Only if you explain why you're fighting Steve."

"He's helping an assassin from HYDRA escape SHIELD."

"I'll be at the tower in a bit. I have a class to get to."

"Thanks, kid. I'll see you soon."


When they arrived at the airport, Percy still wasn't sure how they were getting on a plane. She thought maybe they could sneak on or something. It was strange that after everything, she was less afraid to fly than she was to sail or go over water. She assumed that she was less upset with Zeus than her father.

She was glad thatthe meeting place was at another airport because that made things much easier.

Conner immediately dragged Percy and Nate to the ticket deal when they were near it.

"Conner, we don't have near enough money for the three of us to board." Percy explained.

"A few years back my dad set up an account with prepaid tickets for any of his children on quests. I can access that and so can Nate. He told me and Travis about it, so we can get flights anywhere in the world." He grinned mischievously. "And, if you're not covered we can totally sneak you on."

 Just Not Ready (A Female Percy Jackson/ Avengers Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now