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Tony Stark was pissed. Not only was the government breathing down the team's necks, the Avengers weren't able to get along.

Vision was forced to move into the tower, Sam Wilson had begun coming by to train as an avenger, Clint backed out and retired from the team, and Rhodes joined the Avengers. Banner, Loki, and Thor had walked out and not returned yet. Things were falling apart. On top of it all, the public was losing faith in the Avengers, calling them vigilantes instead of heroes.

Rogers was distracted. Something was on his mind and Tony didn't like it. The team was already divided, for reasons no one wanted to talk about anymore and the thing they needed least was Steve screwing up and innocent people paying the price.

Parker was off at college. He was dating a nice girl named Mary Jane Watson. Peter didn't write or stay in constant contact with any Avengers. He just left and said to call him if he was needed. He drifted apart from the team when she died.

She had been dead for 6 years, but the damage was done. There was a firm line drawn somewhere in the middle of the team. Steve, Clint, Sam, and Wanda against Tony, Natasha, Rhodes, and Vision. Peter was on the side with Tony when he left.

The government officials of multiple countries have boycotted the Avengers, calling them out as terrorists who cause more damage than they prevent. Natasha and Tony thought it would be best to allow the UN to have fill control of the team. Vision and Rhodey signed the bill, but no one else did.

On Steve's mind was Peggy Carter, the woman he loved during WWII. She died in her sleep and he was preparing to attend the funeral, while Natasha prepared to attend the conference in Vienna where they would pass or deny the bill. Vision was under strict instruction to keep Wanda in the building for the safety of civilization.

Bucky Barnes was not in Vienna at the time of a terrorist attack on the Conference, but would end up with the blame for it. King T'Chaka would perish and this would envoke the wrath of his son T'Challa, or the Black Panther, who vowed to kill Bucky.

Steve Rogers, the oh so heroic first Avenger was prepared to drop everything he had accomplished for his best friend, which pissed Tony off further. He was already a wreck with the loss of his niece, mourning the civilians that died because of his inability to save everyone, the reopened Pandora's box of emotions he opened over his parents, and the people losing hope in the hero team.



Percy Jackson was confused when she woke up laying on cold concrete and surrounded by darkness. She used her arms to press up from the ground to a sitting position, where she leaned on the wall. She groaned at the pain in her head and the ach in her legs.

"Jackson?" A voice hissed somewhere to her left. "Is that you?"

"Uh... I think so?" Percy answered her acting commanding officer. "What happened, Lieutemant Garland?"

"We were ambushed." Thomas Garland told her. "Our scouts were taken out while they surveyed the area. Somehow, an enemy came into our camp and detonated an explosive. At least half of our platoon was killed in the blast, almost everyone else was injured."

 Just Not Ready (A Female Percy Jackson/ Avengers Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now