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Percy knew that saying goodbye to Tommy would suck. Nevertheless, she told Apollo to stay outside while she went in alone.

Tommy was sitting on the couch drinking what was probably tea across from May, who was sitting crosslegged on a chair. The end of the Disney movie Aristocats played on the TV.

Tommy's head snapped up at the sound of the front door opening. He smiled. May turned to look as well and waved to Percy.

Percy walked over and greeted them before excusing Tommy and herself to speak in privacy. She pulled him upstairs to their shared bedroom and explained the situation as best she could while packing the necessities.

"Something's come up and I have to get back to New York." She started with because honestly there was no point in beating around the bush. "My cousin tracked me down while I was in Florida and told me a bunch of super secret family stuff that I have to help them take care of. I don't know when or if I'll be back but I have no choice but to go."

"Is this the stuff you never told me about? The stuff we've fought about more than once?" He asked, clearly upset.

"Yeah, it is, but you need to know that I never told you because I wanted to protect you." She paused. "And because it involves some stuff that I can't bring myself to talk about anymore."

"When will you be back?" He asked, trying to mask his upset, but failing miserably.

"I don't know that I will be, as I said. I might have to do some dangerous things ship I'm gone and even if I do come out in one piece, it might be time to see Tony and the other avengers. I heard they have problems with Bucky so I thought I could help him out..." She trailed off, turning to look at his grief stricken face. "Tommy."

"I'm fine. You should go. It sound important." His sentences were short and he turned away from Percy.

She put down the bag she was filling and moved to her boyfriend. He was now sitting down on their formerly shared bed, so she moved to sit next to him and wrapped her arms around him.

"I care about you. You know that, right?" he nodded as a reply. "But it's my family. I can't tell them no."

He cleared his throat. "I know. I'm just gonna miss you a whole lot."

"And I'll miss you too, but you know that we wouldn't have worked out anyways. You love Amy; I love... Peter." She hesitated a moment, but decided he-who-shall-not-be-named would not appear upon her speaking his name. "Our relationship was more of a friends with benefits type situation and I think you know that."

"Yeah. You're right. I guess I just didn't want it to end." He chuckled lightly. "I guess you should get back to packing."

"Probably." She said, slowly disentangling herself from the guy. They didn't speak again while she packed. If he noticed her taking a few things of his like some t-shirts and maybe even a hoodie or two. He stayed in the room as she went to the bathroom to take her toothbrush, hairbrush, deodorant, etc.  Percy wasn't so sure this was for the best anymore as she started getting to think. She wouldn't have someone to cuddle with on cold mornings, no friends to run into on the commute to work, no job to keep her on a schedule to balance her life, no home to run to when life gets too hard.  It was clear that she probably wouldn't come back, and she knew Tommy understood that. The moment she left would be her last moment in this sweet little town that welcomed her so easily. 

On the other hand, she did know that this was a necessary step. Hiding and running away from her life was only going to last so long. Her time here was temporary because Percy Jackson was not made for the friendly, calm small-town life. She was  chaotic and her life, even more so. So,  clearly she had to leave eventually. 

Once her belongings were packed, she and Tommy went downstairs so she could leave. First of course, she gave May  a quick farewell. Tommy carried her duffel bag and walked her outside to where Apollo was. After a rather long hug, Tommy returned to his home where May was hanging out and Apollo flashed himself along with his cousin to Camp Half Blood.

To say it was nerve-racking would be an understatement. Percy had been away from camp for ages. Being back was... well, anxiety inducing. What if everyone hates her? What if all her friends moved away? What if her old enemies were there? This would certainly be an experience. 

"Hey," Percy said to get Apollo's attention before he left her alone at the camp border. "If my father has a problem with me sleeping in his cabin, can I stay in your's?"

"Of course you can. I can't say 'no' to my favorite cousin." He hugged her. "Though, I'm sure your father will be fine with you sleeping there. For what it's worth, he does seem to regret everything."

"I know. I just needed a back up plan just in case. You gods are very good at changing your minds and being nitpicky with things." She joked.

"Very true." He smiled. "You should go now. And don't forget to check in tomorrow with Chiron. He'll probably want to talk to you before the campers get a hold of you. You're kind of a legend around here."

"I better. After everything I've done for this place." She joked, prompting Apollo to laugh.

They said goodbye again, he gave her the bag she brought, and she made her way passed the camp border, slightly unsure if she should go to bed or to Chiron. So, Percy checked the time on her phone and decided she could see Chiron tomorrow.

Poseidon's only demigod child walked to cabin three and entered as if she'd never left. After tossing her bag on an empty bed, she dug through for some comfortable clothes, settling on some pajama pants and a short she took from Tommy, and snuggled into bed for the night.

 Just Not Ready (A Female Percy Jackson/ Avengers Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now