Alternate Ending for the People Who Demand I Give Them Closure

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Hi. People really want an alternate ending to this book. After rereading my work and realizing that, wow, what a shitty way to end a series, and realizing that I hated that ended and wanted a happier one, here you go. I'm just going to bullet some things that would be happening if Mercury and Luke had ended up together after all.

•Luke would graduate college and teach a music class at a middle school.

•Mercury would become would be a trainer at a vet. Mostly training therapy dogs for children. She likes to bring the dogs to the local library to read with the kids there.

•They would own a little cottage with blue paneling, surrounded by woods. Maybe a little pond somewhere that attracts a lot of unwanted critters. It freaks Mercury out but Luke loves to tease her with the snakes.

•Pets. Three dogs and one cat: Aries, a mini pincher who likes to hide in your sweater while you're wearing it. Chester, a "jugg" (jack russel and pug mix) that is easily scared and loves to be covered in warm blankets. Pentunia: a big ol' Great Dane who was a rescue. She enjoys licking faces and pretending she is a lap dog. The cat, Fitzwilliam, who is the king of the Hemming's household. Climbs into the cabinets and knocks over the bowls. Still lovable.

•They were got married but never had an "actual" wedding. Didn't feel necessary.

•Honeymooned in Alaska!

•They had to reconnect after Luke graduated from college because they had both changed significantly. Mercury realized she loved Luke, like, seriously loved him, when she was sitting on the couch and had her feet pressed between the couch cushions because her toes were cold. Luke went upstairs and brought down some fuzzy socks without even being asked.

•Luke realized he loved Mercury when she gave him her favorite book for their one year dating anniversary. Also the day they got married.

•Mercury announced that she was pregnant four years later by giving him her favorite book a child, Corduroy, with a note for their future kid.

Speaking of children, here is a detailed life description of each other their children. I am in far too deep.

•Artie Clyde Hemmings, the first born. Blonde hair and brown eyes. Loved being an only child the first seven years of his life. Was a rude awakening when the triplets got here.

•After Artie was born, they could not get pregnant again. They tried for six years and after many disappointments, they tried IVF and the unpredictable happened: Triplets! Two girls and a boy.

•Anyways, back to Artie. He is very touchy. You know the saying "don't push my buttons"? Yeah, well, Artie has many sensitive buttons. Some mornings he will walk out of his room and say "Good morning! I had a dream that God said he loved me." And, then, other days he will walk out and ball his hands into fists and pout. He watches cartoons in the mornings while Dad makes breakfast. Artie loved his blankies and had multiple different blankies, all the same fabric but different patterns. His favorite was the owl blankie. Artie loved dress up, especially his ninja costume. When he was five he was a Ninja-Power Ranger-Stormtrooper for Halloween. In middle school, his best friend was Peter. He was an A&B student through middle and high school. Dated a girl named Helen his sophomore year. Hated babysitting the triplets. He graduated and went to college and got an English teaching degree but realized in his late 20s that acting was his thing. Got some roles and then went big in Hollywood. Guys, Artie was offered the role of Captain America in the reboots. He turned it down. Ended up with six oscars under his belt during his lifetime. Thanked mom and dad in every single speech. Also, he ended up marrying Helen from sophomore year after they ran into each other in their hometown. They had one child, a son, named Vere.

•TRIPLET #1: Florence "Flossy" Quinn: Largest of the triplets at two pounds even! But she was the last to be released from the NICU because she kept getting infections. Was born with heart complications and had three open heart surgeries throughout her life: one when she was born, one when she was three years old, and one when she was eighteen. Her best friends was her sister. Always looked up to Artie her entire life. Graduated valedictorian of her class and went to a private college on a music degree. She played violin. Once she had a college degree in the Arts, she joined the Colorado Symphony and the rest is history. Never had the desire to marry or have children, but that doesn't mean her life was not overflowing with love!

•TRIPLET #2: Lily-Wood Warby: second biggest of the triplets. Named after the flower, Luke's favorite teacher, and the brand of glasses. Was the first to be discharged from the NICU and had no long-lasting issues from being born so early, which was a miracle. Loved her babydolls more than life as child. As she and her siblings grew older, she felt constantly over shadowed by her siblings. She was diagnosed with anxiety when she was 17. Volunteered to hold babies in the NICU who were being weened off of drugs to ease her anxiety. Went to college to be a mid wife and opened her own practice in her hometown. Married a man and had two children: Dally, a girl, and Henry, a boy.

TRIPLET #3: Benjamin "Benny" Fletcher: Was the smallest triplet. Easiest baby ever. So happy and kind all of the time. Never got mad at anyone and always saw the good in every situation. Dedicated his life to mission work in Mexico and fostered boys that were tangled in the nations child sex trafficking ring. Married a fellow missionary named Tom and ended up adopting four children they had previously fostered.

•Mercury was the best mom. Luke was the best father.

•Luke cries at every birthday and every graduation. When he watched the triplets graduate he got so emotional that he couldn't even form words to say to them because he was so choked up.

•Mercury calls every day and asks if they need anything and if they're safe. The mind of a NICU mom.

Here are their older years. Guys, it gets sad.

•Luke was in pretty bad health after he retired in his late sixties. His heart couldn't keep up anymore. Though, every night he would get down on his knees to say "Thank you, God, for making this happen to me and not my children."

•Luke died at the age of 70 after he had a heart attack while driving on a bridge, causing his car to go off the railing.

• Mercury died six months later. She had missed him so much.

•Lily-Wood moved into their house and raised her children there.

•Sometimes, the siblings look at the letters and laugh/cringe/cry. Their parents were so made for each other.

THERE YOU HAVE IT. Closure. I seriously loved doing this so much. Let's forget the last chapters of this book ever happened and replace it with these!

Just had to get this out here. Now, I'm gone.

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