Chapter 6: Chrysanthemum

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Note: Short chapter, I know, I did it again, however, some important information on the Uchiha clan (in this universe) comes into play, and it does set the stage for some struggles down the line. Enjoy.


Something was bugging him. Really, with all things being considered it was hardly important, and yet it weighed on his mind. The thing was, he was sure, positive even, that the name Madara was familiar, yet he couldn't remember where from. It was that kind of nagging pulling sensation on his mind that meant he would have been yelled at for forgetting.

However, no one really knew who he was here, which was strange in all ways for someone such as he, as his past was scared vividly by people knowing exactly who he was, or rather what he represented.

Managing to shake himself from his thoughts, he focused his attention rather avidly upon the man walking beside him, and the blond was forced to conclude, that yes, Madara was indeed taller than Jiraiya, by four inches at least.

This did not intimidate him, after all he had always had a more slender frame, still looking up at someone to the point of which he was near to craning his neck was an odd feet, never mind the very simple fact that simply turning to look at the man his eyes were only granted with the sight of his abdomen. Intimidation, not a factor, dignity was another matter altogether in his eyes.

Placing his hands behind his head in an attempt to regain himself, he stared ahead where he was greeted with an odd sight.

There was a small group of people all of them walking down the gravel pathways waving to each other politely in greeting while heading in their own directions. Some were standing tall and rigid, muscles taut, and faces made of stone, those people wore katana or bo's or spears attached to there back with large rappings of bandages tied at the waist. The clothing itself on these individuals seemed only to be of a high collar lifting and slightly shielding the face which descended into a robe reaching the knees. Some wore pants while some wore skirts, and all of them had their hair done down, most all of them having it reach their shoulderblades.

The other people seemed far more relaxed with soft faces, with mostly gentle tilted eyes and a small shimmer of lip paint or grease and pinched rose cheeks.

They, unlike their grim faced counterparts were dressed only in robes -or was it a kimono, he couldn't quite tell- with a large sweeping haori overtop. Their hair was far longer as well, most all of the people wearing this style of clothing had their hair grown almost to their ankles. These robes were all of fine material Naruto knew, as they seemed to flow like water despite their cream, and neutral tones. The robe -kimono?- underneath was of either a dark fern, a deep brown, or a chocolate brown, the haori overtop -fastened by the twine on the sides, keeping the rest of the robe out of sight.- were mostly done in a cream white, milk brown, or a soft pink. Even with having seen multiple different garments and customs in his travels with his mentor he had never quite seen such a contrast between such a small gathering of people.

Blinking, his eyes unexpectedly caught onto a large stone pillar with words engraved: reading "Uchiha Chiku" with the Uchiha insignia painted on both sides of the engraved lettering. Tilting his head, he asked himself if that was explanation enough for the people's clothing, not settling on an answer, he ignored his own question, and followed Madara into the inside town of the village.



"Hello, Madara-sama." Many people, both those stone faced, and those kind eyed greeted his companion, bowing politely. Naruto delved into his mind for a moment, not understanding, before realization dawned, and Madara's choice in clothing became evident, he was an Uchiha! Well that explained the cold, frigid chakra the man had, and the attitude, and well, nearly everything to be honest. Uchiha Madara... Unfortunate his mind still had no recognition for the name, he knew it, he was aware of this, he had certainly heard it before from Iruka and Tsunade, but he could not for the life of him remember the origin of the man. Someone important in his clan, important enough to be called 'Lord' of all things.

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