Chapter 9: Jasmine

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There was a storm rising to the south, coming fast from the amass of ocean, it would hit hard and fast with gusting winds and leaving copious flooding. The farmers were concerned, but the shinobi could do nothing to bend the currents.

Naruto was concerned of a different brew, Kou had been engaging himself to long silences and absent minded gazes at streaming sunlight. Naori would watch him without speaking or prod, but it was clear that her attentions were focused on his dazed expression and continuously twitching fingers. Normally, this was not all that interesting, people drifted in common, wanting a space from reality.

However, what bothered his mind was the sneaked glances from Kou, a smear of green was all he saw before it was gone. Whatever had brought the man to such a state was clearly of his own creation. He could fathom nothing he had done could be of that much interest. Yet it continued, and had been for nearly a fortnight now and Naruto was finding solace from the behaviour by fetching the water every morning.

He was watched each time, many Uchiha would turn briefly in his direction before smiling so quickly he was almost fooled into thinking it a delusion.

He knew better of course, they were simply elusive people, prone to caution, every action a suspicious one until he proved otherwise. It was only the more docile Omega's that caused him true concern. They would cast their eyes to him and cover their mouths with a hand, clasping their arm around their waist, and then turning to murmur to each other. A crinkle breaking out around their eyes. Mirth? Pity? He didn't know, it was becoming more prominent that he would remain in ignorance.

The bucket clattered, placed under the pump, and the lever was chilled from the early morning. Before he could pull it, a large hand did so for him, with more force then he considered of necessity. He turned, and found Madara, a man he wasn't expecting to have aided him. Nevermind one to be up as the sun rose.

"I'm afraid the pump seizes in the in the morning. You have been fetching the water for a time now, but never so early." Naruto didn't comment, not fancying the implication that the man had been monitoring his movements. Yet, a clenching found itself like wool in his chest, equally so hot steam felt to be warming his neck and face.

"Someone has to do it... and why are you watching me anyway?!" It was strange, he reasoned, but not enough to cause him to actually have any anger towards the man.

"Don't be absurd. Such sort of mannerisms are my business." He crossed his arms, clearly disturbed, but Naruto didn't bother to apologize clear was it that the Uchiha was not upset. "Nevermind that. There is a cliff not far from the village, I go there sparingly as of late, but I used to frequent there for falconry."

As he spoke, Naruto secured the valve and closed it off, damn thing had issues closing. In wondering he listened attentively, curiosity tilting his thoughts. Madara had picked up the bucket before him using a single arm to hold it to his chest in an embrace. The man out of time pouted, and squinted his eyes looking for trickery. How could he be strong enough to do so? It was unjust! Still he walked by the man's side instead, he was being helpful, and frankly Naruto hated carrying the thing when it was filled.

Falconry? He pondered, was that not the act with birds pursuing other birds? Or something? He wasn't quite sure, it was prohibited in Konoha, but Gaara had spoken of it once being popular in Sunagakure. It sounded fun. But he didn't think he could ever find himself engaging, there was always a tight feeling in him whenever the birds caught their prey. It was a spectator sport for him.

"Daisuke's eggs hatched only a fortnight ago. There are four hatchlings still coated in their soft feathers, I wondered if you wished to see them." Baby birds! How could he resist? They must be adorable! Not even able to fly, and so small in their new feathers.

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