Chapter 7: Threat

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Note: So, some interesting hints in this chapter. I'm already working on the next chapter, so some secrets about the Uchiha and Senju will be revealed then.


Kou's house was far smaller than the previous one he had stayed at, though Naruto was not inclined to combine considering his own in Konoha had been little more than a shed. It held a more relaxed air with it as well, one not wrought with tension. There of course was also the fact that this house was filled only by three people and not four which one would think could not have such a vast difference. Although it did, for his previous lodgings had been shared with the Shodai, Tobirama, and whoever Madara was. Surprisingly, they did not get along well, or at least Tobirama and Madara didn't, even passing each other in the kitchen caused glares to be triggered from both parties, and most usually the Hokage wasn't there to dispel the tension, meaning more than not it was self resolved, which meant an unruly amount of yelling at each other. Naruto for a long time in a while regretted his behaviour as a young shinobi if that was how loud he had been.

He had never been so glad to be around someone so calm. Though he had yet to meet Naori, he had been quite happy to have been reassured by Kou that she was a very peaceful individual as a whole. Not prone to violence unless coerced by the opposer. In most ways, at least according to Kou she was Uchiha through-and-through, from her tight-held personality, to her classical appearance, however, she had a more radical mindset that did not quite fit into her clan's more strictly held beliefs and traditions considered law within the clan, which is why many were surprised that she had been picked to be second in command, however, that shock was slightly more understandable at least to Naruto as apparently she was considerably young, having only fought during the last few battles during the Era of War, hence her battle experience was considered low amongst the Uchiha clan, although she was also revered due to her skill in strategy, apparently.

The Uchiha District, he found was ever so slightly different from anything he was used to. People here were so very aware of each other, you could be exiting a building and everyone on the street outside would know you were about to open the door without even some sort of detection, as if it were a seventh sense, beyond sensory ability's. They were interconnected in a almost intimate way. However, unusual though it may be, Naruto found himself intermingling among them as if he were born into the clan itself. No man or woman were cruel, they didn't spire him with harsh glances or scowling faces. They greeted him politely and some were surprisingly friendly. It was to put it simply some of the best treatment he had ever experienced in his own village.

Of course, as in any place, there were those that were wary of him, although Kou and many others had reassured him constantly that those who were only appeared paranoid because of their history in war. Which was rather fair he found, and he could not begrudge them for caution.


Today however, was odd. Many of those who had been born into the Uchiha clan were almost skittering in their movements and sharingan's were constantly being activated over the smallest inclination. Eyes kept flickering towards the eastern most forest. Hands both scared and fine grasped onto their katana's kept on their backs, and those who were not born of the clan were keeping close to their homes, their hands grasping at their robes and some were almost on top of their Uchiha partners. Holding themselves with small a frame, slouching their shoulders and clinging onto their partner's robes until knuckles turned white. Some Uchiha encouraging this behaviour by holding their spouses to them, others ushering them to a house or a building in a more frantic state. Stranger of all, there were no children roaming the streets.

Naruto turned, concerned from his place in the sand garden, at the sound of the door opening, looking at Kou questioning as much as he could with his eyes alone, but it seemed that the man was just as if not more strained than his counterparts.

Then instantaneously, in the time it took for a seasoned shinobi to throw a kunai, there was a sudden scream from across the district. The Uchiha tensed, and their spouses scattered, running at full speed towards the nearest building, behind him the door slammed shut. Without any further warning the Uchiha district was invaded by many outsider shinobi, katana clashed together harshly between the invaders and the Uchiha.

Reacting as quickly as he could to the sudden onslaught of violence, Naruto attacked the nearest invader ramming a throwing star into his chest with a forceful throw. Only the man only hissed in pain before charging at him reacting just as quickly by throwing three kunai in his direction, and aiming a kick to his face, ducking low, he dodged the kick, only to have a kunai embedded itself into his thigh. Quick as he could he rolled away, ending up with his injured leg in the air and his other thigh on the ground, primed to fight. There was a flicker of some sort, his own chakra flaring slightly, at his neck, without thinking extensively he moved to his left swiveling his legs so that he stood once more, finding a female shinobi just behind where he had been kneeling a katana posed and ready to slash at the air where his neck had been not a moment before.

"Well, you're not an Uchiha...Yet." She spoke, an almost beautiful cruel curl to her lip as she said it, almost a taunt, but for some reason he felt that was not its intention. Her dark grey eyes were observing him with a strange brightness, and it sent a shiver over his spine when she gave him a smirk.

"I can see why they want you, quite the pretty one aren't you? Your chakra alone..." She gave a loud moan, and suddenly Naruto felt more than simple alarm. "Some of the warmest- No, it's hot, burning hot, scalding chakra hidden underneath an already warm outer shell of chakra, oh you're quite unique. You must interest Madara.... He must have..." She gave a small humming sound one that vibrated from her chest, and that was the point when the sunshine man became fearful, he knew not what she was saying or implying yet he had the feeling that it held a bad implication for him. He aimed a explosive kunai straight for her head, although she simply moved her head to the side, letting it catch on the tree behind explode and send splintering wood and fire dancing around them, she moved before she could be caught by the blast, appearing directly in front of his face, and punching him square in the jaw. He staggered back, but there was a pressure, a hand, on his neck holding him tight, her fingernails digging into his flesh.

He raised the kunai he held in hand planning to quickly slash at her arm at least, however, she saw the movement and acted fast, grasping his wrist tightly, and stilling his movement, she snapped his wrist back, snapping the bone, and he gave a strangled grunt, the pressure on his neck worsening, dulling the pain of his broken wrist as fear settled in.

"I'll kill you before he gets the chance to use you. Izuko! Get the Uchiha Omega hiding in the house! Now!" Naruto panicked, he was struggling against the woman's hold as best he could, but she held firm and it only seemed to entice her to add more pressure. "Stop struggling, you will die painfully, and not like this, I am only keeping you docile, until we're done here. Oh, I look forward to killing Madara's bitch. I will pay the bastard back for what he did upon my person." He pulled at her arm scrapping even with his bad wrist.

"W-e're n-ot..." Gasping for breath, he noticed only barely that his vision was blackening. Just before he closed his eyes however, he saw something of a shadow, and unexpectedly he was dropped. He took no time to think about it and breathed in as much air as he could despite the pain in his throat and burn in his lungs. The sound of blades meeting just above him, made his eyes snap to attention, to see a violet haired Uchiha woman fighting his would be killer, and his mind relaxed for only a moment, before he ran into the house as fast as he could, remembering the woman's orders to kill what he could only assume to be Kou. Not knowing where to look, he listened for a moment, and upon hearing the clash of a pot rushed to the kitchen.

Upon entering he sighed in relief, Kou stood above the man a large pan still held over his shoulder, ready to strike again despite the man already being on the ground unconscious. Then, he noticed something odd.

"Kou, why do all the invaders have silver hair?" He questioned, for all of them did when he had seen them attack the clan. Kou lowered the pot, and wiped his brow where some heavy sweat had gathered, his posture relaxing.

"I believe it to be of their chakra's design, I cannot be sure, the Hatake clan all have silver hair." Unsure of how to react, Naruto simply allowed himself to slump upon the wall, something in his mind simply hurt.

"Hatake clan.... Kakashi-sensei."

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