Chapter 10: Implication

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The flowers were beautiful. They were finely trimmed, their stocks straight, leaves unblemished, there was no browning around the petals. The scent remained. So delicate, in a perfected condition, it was only natural to wonder why they had been a gift to him. What caught his eye was the nationality of the Jasmine. The Sambac Jasmine only grew in more heated places full sun, and little shade. It certainly didn't belong in the land of Fire, so where had Madara gotten it from? The only time he had seen it grow naturally had been with Jiraiya, while passing through Sunagakure. Fraxinella was more abundant in Konohagakure, and naturally occurring, however, it was near impossible to find. So why go through such trouble?

"Naruto-kun, have you seen my blade? It mustn't be dulled when-" Naori stopped, staring down directly at the blooms he held, paused in mid motion, not even the fabric on her shirt held motion. She wore pant underneath her large robe, and long sandals that ended below her knees. He hadn't seen her in pants before. He himself was reluctant to change, but had gotten by on simply hiding in his room for a day while he cleaned his jumpsuit. Kou, had suggested they go for a trip to the marketplace on the second sundown. He had yet to agree.

Naori finally moved, in a swift motion, she was leaning over him, flaunting her extra height, but unfocused, holding eyes only for the blooms in his hand.

"Whom?" Jutting her chin forward, clear towards the flowers. He glances up at her with a cautious eye, finding in her a look of apprehension. She is undeterred, but her arm outreaches and she hold his hand so that the flowers can be best displayed in light. Pensive, she inspects with an eye of understanding.

"The flower of the trees and burns the oil, a representation of your pyromaniac will. A Jasmine of the Desert, speaks of promise and intent, the desire for attachment, a courting blossom. To be certain. They are of courting." There was no simple trick to Naori he had found, her thoughts were never displayed for anyone to see without analyzing, but her emotions could be well desphered. Reading someone's thought or inclination was for different from knowing their emotional state. Hardly a correlation in the instance of Uchiha, he knew well enough, for Sasuke it had been a task of finding an opening in both. Itachi though he had not known the man nor did he care too, displayed more emotion than his brother when they had met, but his thoughts had been well hidden. Perhaps it was merely the marking of a good shinobi, or even more so maybe it was clan related. Regardless most of the uchiha he had interaction with, were uncomfortable in displaying themselves.

If this was a sign of courtship then... Madara intended to romanticize him? Did courtship not propose a future marriage? Or the possibility of one at least? A panic settled within his chest, constricting, but easeful in its conduct, an understanding that he had been unobservant too in past.

So, he concluded, Madara held intent to marry, or at least had hope for such an outcome should the courting prove successful. He could decline, but he found himself in interest to the man, drawn not by primal inclination but of curiosity. Of genuine interest in the man, attraction of his features surely aided, soothed the eyes and provided a lovely visual for his own olfactory pleasure. No denying he held a vintage -or in such circumstance- a modern handsomeness.

Personality lacked nonplusible inconsistencies such as a gross egotism -perhaps in slight, but nothing overwhelming.- a vile sadism, -not above necessity for a shinobi.- Instead the man near exuded confidence, an attractive narcissism, calm demeanor, and a elevating rather soft conduct of kindness. It was unusual, but certainly not an unimaginable situation, he was flattered by the mere thought, a type of man of his brood did not simply ask an orphan for a romance, yet here he stood, perplexed by understanding.

His companion, finding amusement in his own self reflection, snorted through her nose, making busy herself on one of the many weapons hidden from view. Still, her attentions were engaged on him, not a mockery -he doubted her capable of such a thing- as her steel peeked from under its shethe.

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