Chapter 12: An Orphan

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His new clothes felt comfortable against his skin, as he hid his shaking hands within the sleeves of the sky haori. The hakama he wore hidding his risen skin. A child dead on the ground, for nothing more than an ambush, a man dead under satisfied gaze. A horrible time of continual killing, how was peace supposed to strive forward?

In the wind he felt his tears being blown from him, as if wiped by a warm hand, the breeze could be said a sympathetic witness. In allowing his feet to guide, he found himself back home within the Uchiha district. No one turned to look in disdain, only gazing with a tilted smile as he passed them, a kind aura that he had not seen fit to seen before now. All the warriors of the clan whom he brushed against would lightly brush their fingers on his shoulder in apology. The Omega's would grin in their contentment, and speak in soft tone. Children would run wild upon the cobblestone, all injuries simply brushed off as they continued on their way. Occasionally they would wave at him.

One group even beckoned him over in a ridance of their own smile. Though in his mood desolate, he grinned back, they did not need to face his sadness, it was not something they should know, nor understand. No child should see death and greet it like a friend.

"Hello! May I ask your name? We haven't seen you nearby before." A young boy, perhaps only five years old with short hair in fuzzy black waves asked, eyes of dark brown imploring. The others near him were similar in their curiosity, two girls and another boy, the girls being obvious sisters. Both of them holding the same hair colour of a pleasant light brown with near identical tilted almond shaped eyes. The other boy was wearing a piece of cloth around his head, but his skin was more pale than normal, sweat on his forehead, he had dulled black eyes. Still, Naruto knew better then to stare, even if he was concerned, so he merely sat across from them.

"Uzumaki Naruto! I am rather new around here! Nice to meet you all dattebayo!" They all nodded like he had stated a particularly interesting fact, and the one sickly looking child whispered in his friends ear, steering his gaze clear from the azure before him. The boy before him -clearly the leader of the group, gave a firm nod closing his eyes in rigid approval.

"Could you tell us a story? Your not from around here, so there must be many!" Of all things to ask, that had not been one he expected. Then again, foreigners must not be a common concept with the children of the village. In consideration with how they must have grown.

"A story..." He thought for a moment, the last thing he wanted was to give them a pictures of more violence, there being enough already in their life, yet he could easily insult should obstruct details. "Well, I have one when I was on a trip with my Mentor. How about that?" They all sat down, focusing purely on him.

"Jiraiya and I were at an old shine, protected by several monks. Apparently they were continuously being tormented by a group of bandits, but their code of pacifism prevented them from taking violent action against an aggressors." Jiraiya had actually been infuriated by the group, his focus not swaying once as the religious men had described their plight, and without hesitance, agreed to help. Naruto had never seen such an anger brought forth in the man, the way his eyes had stoned and his mouth had remained in a firm line. "He was so angry, I had never seen him so indignant before. When I asked why this was different, he said: 'People of such rigorous faith of serenity should not be bullied by those of strength. To use pacifism and treat it as if it is a weakness is a cowards move.'" There wasn't much more to the tale, he hadn't involved himself in the fight, there was no opportunity to, the sannin was too perturbed. His audience seemed confused, cute faces scrunched up in their attempt to rationalize.

He stuffed down his giggle, ending up coughing inelegantly. "You shouldn't attack people of peace is all." He reiterated. Their little Leader smiled, understanding, while the others seemed still confused by the ideal.

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