Chapter 23: Allusion

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He would remark, much later, whence appropriate, that these long hours presented themselves as a span of years. As the tragedy had occurred during a festivity, none could speak clearly of how civility demanded conduct. None could give proper response in question. Though many had expectations for the newly presented Uchiha Naru to give an example, he gave merely a showcase of his own mourning display. Aiding solely to those who sought the answer from lack of previous experience, as he.

Naturally, should circumstance had been delicate in her malicious intent. Then Naruto would find placid comfort in the presence of a friend who knew him well, whom possessed the understanding necessary to guide his action for the rest of his clansmen. A hand reaching unto him as well. Now, the displaced Omega became forced to conjure himself a new foothold as balance, a box containing all answers relevant only unto his clan. One he may use as pedestal, with the purpose of retaining the high place he was meant to hold. Merely until the position were obtainable for he who came from poverty, or rather, he whom was born and made a villain by those of status.

To this thought he glanced to the cliffside, familiar as a point of authority in this time period, a representation, aliked, from his own. There were no carvings upon it as of yet -and he pondered to when the first had been made,- still it gave him a brief moment of remembrance. Now, that moment experienced had reformed into what he had always retained by the Hokage Head's when sitting upon them as a child. A comfort, a fleeting time away from all he had become where he may take himself to daydream. Even looking upon them now gave tranquillity, lightened by the warmth Kou had been in wisdom and in friendship, no longer lingering as a weighted depression.

Naruto could not find imagining wherein the sweetened Hanayome would be downtrodden by worldly affliction.

Making hasty decision upon the consideration of his former friend, the young bride made quickened pace to the training ground astray. Although it had been a rare occurrence for him to take place there given his previous monitoring -in suspicion, and indeed the strain of his marriage preparation. There had been few precious moments where he had taken to practise in hidden hours, covered by the delusion Kou offered his Homupowa in excuse for his absence. That had indeed been rare, though coveted as a time of seclusion no longer available unto him, Naru reflected that he had chance to find opportunity anew as he stood in Madara's graces. -Despite the legality of his want being nonexistent.-

This differed of course, his intent presently focused to the woman he had come to know and therein care for. Perhaps he knew her not as well, not as Kou certainly, though he had a debt to her by manner of care and friendship unexpectedly borne. The breeze at least had an understanding gifting him with the scented bloom of lavender, a flower attributed to Naori. Yet, as his wedding had made to reference, he could only associate it unto Kou's smiling visage. An unconsidered thought; was it the lingerance of Naori's Omega who had bid him to check on her state of mind? A ponderance he gave nothing to, for it came as a fleeting hope rather then a true idea of consequence.

The valley remained barren. Save for one warrior making swift work of the wooden corpse she had on the edge of her Odachi. Marking her visage was a twisted scowl of coiling vengeance. Naruto would consider it familiar, alas, hers was heated and pained, while that of the Sasuke he had known remained frigid and stoic. The question was if it were an anger of self, or to the clan responsible for her grief.

Neither did she take notice of him, nor make an indication of him being there. Given her state of mind he paid little heed to his newmade ability of intruding unto her territory without a kunai drawing blood.

Whence ignorant of his presence, she began a tune he recognized as a lay sung by elders of his own time."Promising more then the garden of Eden-

"-Then carelessly cut you and laugh while your bleeding. But- he brought forth the best upon the worst I could be." In grand fortune he recalled the next verse to be sung, twisting it to bare a meaning he could call upon her.

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