Chapter 13: His Lightness

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Dusk fast approached, and Madara found himself at a disadvantage. The tenuous clamor he was performing in order to remain diligent was failing rapidly. Soon, twilight would descend and he would be forced to advocate himself to work further into the night. Difficult, as his hands could function; his eyes remained unable to see fine ink even with the moon's light. Although many of his previous -and continued- enemies would attest that he was able to peer into the darkness it was in fact a well fabricated lie. No matter how powerful the ocular capabilities, no man nor woman he had met had mastered the art of perceiving clear in the night.

Yet even as his mind was formatting, concentrating on the provided legislation, contracts, and proposals he could not manage to center himself on his work. Duress had settled into his muscles, causing much soreness of both the body and mind. Should he attempt to apply his seal to anything it would be nothing more then impetuous action.

His attention had vacated, and he knew not how to return it. A brief recess was all he could allow. Perhaps a pot of calming tea was all he needed to reformat himself, his job was far too imperative he could not afford to rule with anything other than complete focus. Considered himself lucky in fact, that he needn't face an oncoming battle in the morn.

A rasp at his main door drew his attention. It was not late, not for the more active members of his clan but it was contrived as inappropriate to call on him so late in the evening, not that he minded terribly. Although he should not let himself lose concentration, curiosity lead his legs, and he slid the door open with all the manner of a man glad for distraction. He was greated -pleasantly- by a blaze of orange glinting over strawberry tinted golden hair. A delicate glow of bronze that was shadowed by his own stature, eyes that were unaffected reflected the candlelight from inside and displayed a deep indigo differing much from azure.

The smile was brightened and elegant; unshockingly.

"Madara-sama! Are you busy?" Being addressed enthusiastically the clan head found himself glancing at his study, wavering options for only a moment.

He made sure no hesitance broke his illusion when he answered. "Not at all-" Discourtesy be damned, "-come in." It was improper to invite an Omega inside ones home before the ceremony, but it was not as if Naruto was acutely aware of all their rules of making love, he could break the more short handed ones that all disliked. "I was in going to make some tea, would you care to join me?" He asked as Naruto gave a courtesy bow and slipped off his sandals while entering. Never once losing the bright disposition he carried with such ease. As response the Uzumaki timidly answered with a gentle nod, so far out of character that it was clear it had been due to Kou's training, he decided not to comment.

In conflict with the brightness of his aura there was a weight behind his movements, as if being compressed by some inner trial. A shadow befell around his smile, hiding the commonly displayed dimples ingrained, it was almost a sollem realization that they had disappeared. In his observations it was almost a guaranteed disposition that his smile should continually remain.

In truth Madara had found the man's demeanor to be in conflict with the rules and ideals of his own experience anywhere outside of Konoha.

Knowledge of that fact did little to ease his qualms with the current situation. In fact the visual of his courted in distress when normally so at peace was not only strange it sired a concern within him he had not felt since Izuna's final ailed moments. A time of life he would much sooner leave behind then fathom the complexity of. War and battle he could manage, sickness and emotional turmoil he was always ill prepared for.

In spite of his conflicts, of mind and duty, he merely lead the way into his kitchen area so that he may use the fresh leaves Wakima had gifted him just this morn. Plucked by her son Ichiri.

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