Chapter 20: Realize Not The Cold

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Beware, beware, be skeptical; This, Naruto recalled readily during his and his company's continued journey about the shops. Reminding himself the daunting cloud marriage purposed onto him now. Preparations giving only a more poignant realization that he was proceeding in haste. There was no example to guide his mind, certainly no paternal bonds speaking in wistful warm memories of their own experience. No friendships having done anything so monumental such as marriage.

Something settled over him at the thought. Brought on by the coiling within his mind, which only served to remind him of a distant time. While it was recognizable as panic, understanding of that fact did nothing to halt the feeling uprising. Boiling down into something fragile, daunting upon him in the way of such a terrifying prospect. Friends? A word of categorization that could not stick unto him and Madara.

They loved like fools, Naruto realized. Falling further into a casam neither understood fully and expecting nothing but the embrace of uprising air. In pondering to himself, he found there to be no clear logic in their engagement. 'Are we just going off a high in this decision? Am I?' Thinking to himself the repercussions, gave him a tremor to his hands.

Even still, he could not trick himself into the thought that it was a mere mistake. A want stood as a rock inside, to marry, to love, to be in love with Madara, as it only seemed proper.

About him, the fellow Omega's of the Uchiha were chirping in their beauty. With hair of falling water, eyes which shone as flowers with the sun upon them. Voices granted in the subtle tones of the Gods. Perhaps it overtook him from many years of spite, but Naruto felt any confidence he held plummet down to his toes, in succession with a realized feeling of inferiority. Comparison of self unto those already belonging hindered him, herewith the impression he could never hold place among such a beauticious clan.

"Naruto-kun?" It was Kou-san who took notice of his plagued mind first. The other's turning, the one Senju among them doing so as well. Each looking perplexed, uncertain of what could be holding his steps.

From what memory served to him, Naruto knew people liked not being left from information. Though certainly -as his mind gave rationality,- he could not bid unto them the full, unobstructed truth. "I can't. I can't-" Words failed as his tongue stuck to the roof of his mouth, and a twitch moved him. Spinning, ungraceful, and running to where he knew the academy had been. Turning into a coward for a moment of weakness he himself could not give logic to.


Behind him the gathered Omegas glanced around each other in confusion. Not having expected a nervous breakdown such as this. Whispering into their hands whom should make haste after him, for surely comfort would be needed now. However, one voice rose over all others unexpectedly as a volunteer.

Hashirama gave a delicate -unusually- small smile to each of everyone about him. For all of them were befuddled by his choice. Out of all aiding, he knew Naruto-kun the least -with the exception of Hanami-san, having only just met the normally brightened man.- Knowing of their doubt, the Matriarch of the Senju offered an explanation for his decision, though it remained brief.

"I believe I understand his reasons. In empathy, and in sympathy, I think myself the best option for comfort at the moment. Should that be favourable unto all of you?" This he made kind with gentle tones of pacification, rather then normal conduct of out-shouting anything he found even slightly excitable.

They all exchanged understanding looks to one another, communicating without any words spoken. Nodding along, rather reluctant to their Hokage's rational, already considering themselves friends with their absent fellow.

Tracking the apparent chakra left by one so unique was not a challenge to the seasoned veteran. Proving simple as the bright omega had not strayed far from the blossoming shopping district. Indeed, Hashirama found him merely sitting idly on a swing in the beginnings of a park, slouched over in a posture of desperation.

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