4. Jealousy is coming

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Cosette-The main character 
Aaron- Cosette's new crush/boyfriend
Hugh- Cosette's best friend

Cosette and Aaron back away from each other gazing into each other's eyes trying to realise what just happened to both of them. Cosette turned away and walked back to her table. Aaron did the same. Cosette got to her table and Hugh looked at her and asked
"Cosette why are you blushing?"

"Oh. I didn't realise I was. Sorry"

"Don't be sorry, just why are you?"

"Well uh I was talking to someone and I guess I got embarrassed"

Cosette stood up and walked in the lunch line waiting to get her lunch. And of course Aaron had to come over and stand right behind her. Hugh started to get jealous of Aaron because Cosette was starting to talk to Aaron more then her best friend that she knew since they were both in 5th grade. The next day  Cosette went up to Hugh and tried to talk to him but he just ignored her and walked away from her. Cosette grabbed his arm and pulled him to look at her and asked
"What is up with you?! Ever since lunch yesterday you have been ignoring me! Is this about Aaron?! This better not be. Hugh I'll never forget about you he just happened to come in the lunch line behind me. Stop getting jealous!"

"I'm not getting jealous Cosette! I've been ignoring you because in the lunch line I was trying to talk to you but you were ignoring me and just talking to Aaron and-"

"HUGH STOP!! You're acting like a child! I wasn't trying to ignore you it's just that I didn't think you would act like this if I talked to someone else then you for a change"

Cosette turned around and got a tray.

With a tear rolling down her cheek
"Hugh leave me alone I don't want to talk to you right now..."


"Hugh" Cosette said with a break in her voice

"NO STOP YOU DON'T GET TO TALK! Just listen to me! I had to deal with you for 5 years. You've grown to be my best friend Cosette, when I felt down I texted you and I immediately felt happier. So yes I'm a little jealous for you talking to Aaron. I see the way you look at him"

"Hugh no it's not like that" Cosette says crying her eyes out hugging Hugh.
"I'll still always be here for you, you're my best friend Hugh. I'll never forget you"

Cosette and Hugh both got their lunch and walked back to the table. They walked side by side.

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