49. Alone on the Ship

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Cosette-The main character
Aaron- Cosette's boyfriend
Colin O'donoghue
Josh Dallas

Cosette POV

I guess Aaron was still out with everyone so I didn't have the hotel room key. Lana, Jen, Emilie, Ginny, mum and me went back to set.

Mum went back to her hotel since she had the key.

"Where do you think Aaron and the guys are?" I looked at my phone for the time 12:00, midnight.

"I'm sure he's just out with everyone" Lana sat next to me and patted me on my leg.

"You can sleep on the mattress in the bottom of the Jolly Roger if you want. There's blankets and pillows down there" Jen smiled at me hugging me.

Everyone walked to their trailers to get sleep before tomorrow.

My dad and Joel got a cab back to the hotel with Mum. Jared went to his trailer and immediately passed out. Bobby went to his. So it was only Josh, Colin and Aaron.

When the boys came back I was asleep. It was about 3 am. They didn't know I was down there. They had a few drinks in their systems so they were being the grown children they are and Josh pushed Colin and Aaron in the harbour and after he jumped in himself. They had a mini water fight, I heard them outside. They weren't the quietest. To be fair they didn't know I was there.

Aaron had to go to the bathroom so he got out. Josh showed him to the bathroom and gave Aaron a new dry shirt and got one for himself too.

When Colin got out he was soaked and freezing. He got out of the water and came onto the boat into where I was. Took off his shirt to change it.

That's when I heard him shut a drawer.

"WOAH! WHOEVER THAT IS WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN HERE???!!!" I sat upright with blurry vision trying to recognise the face.

"Shhh easy Cosette, it's me Colin" he came over and sat next to me. Of course. With no shirt.

"Ew Colin! How much did you drink?" I covered my nose and mouth so I didn't have to smell it "Colin I think you're drunk. I'm going to go find Aaron to go to the hotel I'll see you tomorrow" I got up out of bed but then he grabbed my wrist and pulled me down loosing my balance and I fell. "Colin let go of me!"

"No" Colin kissed me and held onto me so I couldn't get away. "Colin you're drunk! Let go!" I finally broke free from his grasp and ran to the ladder.

"Goodnight Colin O'donoghue see you tomorrow" I walked up the ladder as he was yelling at me to come back to him.

I can't believe that just happened to me. The Colin O'donoghue kissed me and right before my wedding too.

I ran to find Aaron with tears coming down my face.

I finally ran into someone. I thought it was Aaron but it was Josh. I collided with him and fell to the ground. Josh sat down beside me.

"Cosette, honey, are you okay?" Josh gave me a huge hug while sitting next to me.

I hugged him back burying my face into his shoulder "No I'm not" crying like someone just died.

"Lets go find Aaron" Josh stood up and held out his hand to help me up.

"I don't want to get up" I looked up at Josh wiping my face from the tears.

"I'll go get him then..." Josh turned around and started to walk to go get Aaron.

"JOSH NO! Don't leave me" I bolted up and grabbed onto his arm. He put his arm around me.

I had Josh Dallas's arm around me. He's comforting me.

When we found Aaron a ran to him and basically jumped on him. Wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his lower back. He had to hold my lower back so I didn't fall backward. I wasn't going to I was never letting go of him.

I explained everything that happened to him. He accepted my apology. And said it wasn't my fault and that it was Colin's fault for getting drunk.

"Aaron. I'm ready to marry you" I leaned my head back just a bit and kissed him on the lips.

"I'm ready to marry you as well" He reached for the key in his pocket and he put me down and wrapped his arm around me and I wrapped my arm around his waist.

When we got back to the hotel he picked me up again just like I was before on set and he opened the door and walked in the room and sat me on the bed. Sat me down and kissed me on the lips then on the neck and got up.

"Where is your dress so I know not to look at it?" Aaron sat up and looked me and as I was changing.

"Jen has it. You don't have to worry. I'm guessing Josh has your tux?" I finished pulling up my pants and jumped into bed next to him.

"Yup" Aaron pulled me closer.

I rested my head on his chest and he played with my hair. "I love you Aaron, Goodnight"

"Goodnight Cosette, I love you too" Aaron kissed me on the top of my head.

(This was such a long chapter. Sorry I just kept writing and writing. I can't wait till next chapter!!)

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