45. Asking Her

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Cosette-The main character 
Aaron- Cosette's boyfriend
Jennifer Morrison
Colin O'donoghue

Aaron POV

It was time. We are all going to dinner. We all get into a limo. Me and Cosette go in a separate car with Jen and Colin. The two girls sat in the back together and Colin and me sat in the front together.

I was getting nervous I was playing with the box in my pocket.

Jen and Cosette got out and went in to wait for everyone else.

I stayed in the car with Colin.

"You'll be fine. It's ok. Relax" Colin reminded me.

"I know I'll be fine. I'm just scared she'll say no" I looked down at the box starting to second guess myself on asking her.

"If she didn't love you she would've broken up with you. But she didn't. She loves you. I can tell when a girl loves you. And Cosette oh man. She's crazy about you. You guys were meant for each other. You can do it I believe in you!" Colin patted me in the back.

We both got out of the car I went to give him a bro hug. We shared a bro hug. "Thanks man, I appreciate it"

"I'm a pro at proposing. I did it 3 times" Colin laughed hitting my arm lightly.

I laughed "True"

When everyone got there I grabbed Cosette's hand and we all walked in.

After Dinner

After Eddy and Adam payed for the meal we all got back in the cars we took. On the way back Cosette wanted to sit in the front with Colin. So I let her. And I sat in the back with Jen.

When we all got back to set it was 9:30, it was time.

I hopped on top of the car and said for everyone to go to the Jolly Roger.

We all went to the Jolly Roger (for any non Disney fans out there. That's Captain Hook's ship).

I took Cosette's hands. "Cosette we have known each other since high school, I'm so glad I got to spend the past 6 years by your side through the good and bad times. We had fights but we worked through them, together"

Cosette started to cry "Aaron what are you saying?"

"Cosette Hugo" I pulled the box out of my pocket went on one knee and opened it. "Will you Marry me?"

"Yes I will Aaron" Cosette bawled her eyes out as I slipped the ring on her finger.

"It's a perfect fit" I said to her smiling as I stood up and embraced her in a hug and kissed her.

At that moment it felt like we were the only two people on the planet.

This is the ring. (Don't mind my ugly af hand/finger)


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OMG GUYS AS I AM WRITING THIS OUAT WAS RENEWED FOR A 7TH SEASON (this means nothing to some people who don't watch the show but it means a big deal to me. lol sorry I had to say something)

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