22. Night time

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Cosette-The main character
Aaron- Cosette's boyfriend

By the time Aaron and Cosette put away the groceries it was 5:00.

"I'll be right back I'm going to put on my pyjamas" Cosette yelled into the house as she walked upstairs.

Cosette came down 5 minutes later with her pyjamas on.

"Lets go lay in the family room" Aaron took Cosette's hand and started walking towards there.

They both ended up falling asleep with Cosette in Aaron's arms.

^3 hours later^

By the time they woke up it was 8:00.

"I'm going upstairs" Cosette said with a big yawn.

"Good idea" Aaron sat up and stretched his arms.

They both trudged upstairs. Before Aaron went upstairs he grabbed 2 water bottles from the fridge.

When Cosette got into the main room she plopped down on the left side of the bed leaving enough room for Aaron to be on the right side. Both of them went under the covers and fell right to sleep.

Cosette woke up at 2 in the morning and couldn't fall back to sleep due to the 3 hour nap they took on the couch so she got her phone and went on Instagram. The light from her phone screen woke Aaron up so he scooted over right next to Cosette and wrapped his arm around her torso.

"What are you doing up?" Aaron said in a tired voice.

"I couldn't sleep" Cosette locked her phone and put it on the night stand.

"We can sit up and talk if you want" Aaron turned over and sat up.

"Alright. What are we going to talk about?" Cosette sat up and looked at Aaron.

"Uh, we can talk about our future. Or tomorrow when we are going to get a pug" He took Cosette's hand and held it.

"Ok, what colour pug are we getting? The blonde ones with the back face or the black pug?" She kissed Aaron's cheek.

"Lets get a black pug" Aaron grabbed his phone and started looking where they can go to get a pug.

Aaron spent a while doing that they both went to bed when he was don't looking for a place that has dogs.

I will start doing POV soon. It'll switch every other chapter. Like one chapter it will be Cosette's POV and the next one would be Aaron's POV.

I also wanted to say a thank you to whose been reading my story this whole time. I have a friend in school who gets so mad at me when I leave him on a cliff hanger. (you know who you are)

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