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"Thanks again for lunch," I said as we reached Starbucks. "You work at Starbucks?" Grayson asked and I smiled. "Can you not tell by her outfit and the fact that she already told us?" Ethan asked pushing Grayson playfully. "Whatever," Grayson said and opened the door for me. "Thanks and maybe I'll see you around some more." I said before walking into the store. That might have been the best hour of my life...


Once we reached Starbucks it was time for Sage to leave. It might sound weird since we've only known her an hour but I think she could be really cool. Like we could be friends. Of course me am Ethan know since we're famous we can't really just trust anybody. Ethan definitely has learned that the hard way. But I think we could trust her. Maybe... "Sage!" I called but she was already gone. Dammit! "Dude there's going to be so many pictures of us with her." Ethan said as he stared inside Starbucks. "Damn I didn't even think about that." I said and looked at Ethan.

"I think she was really cool," I started. "Like maybe we could be friends with her." I continued. "I don't know... We can't trust just anybody." Ethan said just like I knew he would. "Plus somebody might think one of us is dating her." He added. Which was true. "And?" I asked playfully and he pushed me. "She's different," Ethan said. "You can say that again." I said and before I knew it me and Ethan were going to get her.

"Sage!" I yelled once we got into the store. We got a lot of stares and even some fans came up to us. Sage peeked her head around the corner and we ran over to her. "Can I maybe..." Ethan started but I knew he was a bit shy and didn't want a repeat of last time he started talking to a fan. "Can I have your number?" I asked her and she raised an eyebrow. "Why do you want my number?" She asked and continued trying to tie her apron. "Will you tie this?" She asked Ethan and he did. He slowly tied the apron with his shaking hands. I felt bad for him. Although he won't admit it I know that he's still hurt.

"So we can hangout sometime. You seem pretty cool," I said and she grinned. "We'll I guess so.." She said playfully. Once Ethan was done tying her apron she put her number into my phone. "Do you want my number to?" She asked Ethan with a playful tone. "I guess so." He laughed giving her his phone. She took her own phone out of her pocket. "You guys don't have to give me your number. I'll totally understand if you can't. But if-" she started. "Oh my god just give me your phone." I said grabbing it from her. She blushed and bit her lip.



Once the boys left Starbucks a few random people were staring at me but for the most people were trying to secretly take pictures. I giggled and headed back to work. "Ooh Sage finally found a boyfriend. Or if I must say boyfriendsss!" Joshua said dragging the 's' of 'boyfriends'. "We're just friends." I said and Lucy, a girl I work with, came over to us. "Your freaking friends with the Dolan twins!" She said laughing. Lucy has caramel hair and tanned skin. She's drone California but she moved here with her older sister. Lucy is a year younger then me. I guess you could call us friends.

"Ya I guess we are." I said laughing. "Back to work people!" The manager, Cole, said. I groaned and walked over to the cash register. "Hi may I take your order?" I asked the customer who was a boy about eighteen or nineteen. I must say he was attractive. His green eyes and caramel hair was killing me. "Just a large black coffee." He said checking his watch. "Is that all for you today?" I asked him and he looked at me. "Also," he said pulling out his phone. "I just moved here and I was hoping I would find a beautiful girl like you to show me around a bit." He said laying his phone in front of me. "Well I guess your in luck." I said typing in my number. "May I get your name?" I asked and he smirked. "Luke," he said. "We'll Luke your coffee will be out soon. Why don't you wait over there." I said handing him his phone back and handing him mine as well.

The rest of the day kind of dragged out. It was slow but eventually my shift was over. "Well I'm going to go ahead and head out." I told Joshua and he gave me a thumbs up before returning to sweeping the floor and listening to Bruno Mars. Sometimes I think he has problems. I smiled one more time at home before walking back to my small apartment. Once I reached my apartment I undressed and took and got bath. I filled it with bubbles and went to get my laptop. Whenever I take long baths I like to watch Netflix on my laptop.

I guess I pretty basic. Doesn't like every girl love doing that? Ok maybe not but I certainly do.. I got in and scrolled through Instagram on my phone. I turned on pretty little liars on my laptop. About fifteen minutes into my bath I got an incoming facetime call from the contact name 'Ethan;)'. for some reason a smile spread across my face. I made sure my chest and up to my neck was covered with bubbles. I held the phone up to the ceiling so it was the only thing you could see. I answered it and Ethan was sitting on a bed and Grayson was in the background singing horribly.

"She we can't see you!" Ethan said laughing and Grayson came over to him. "Why didn't you tell me you were on FaceTime with Sage?!" Grayson asked making me laugh. "Because your singing is funny." Ethan said making us all laugh. "Okay saw now you have to show your face. We already know your not invisible!" Grayson said making me shake my head. Ethan gave Grayson a 'what the fuck' look that made me crack up.

I lowered the phone so you could only see my face. "Finally!" They said in unison. I laughed and shook my head at them. "Are you taking a bath?" Grayson asked laughing. Ethan's eyes widened and I raised an eyebrow at them. "Yeah why?" I asked him but before he could answer Ethan hung up. Weird.



Once Sage said she was in the bath I immediately hung up. I don't really know why I just did. "Dude why did you do that?" He asked me. I shrugged trying to find an excuse. "I really had to go pee." I said grabbing my phone and rushing into the bathroom. I locked the door and just stood there. Okay that was the worst fucking excuse in the world. Why did I do that? It's not like to could see anything anyways. God what is wrong with me! This is why I can never get a girlfriend. I walked out of the bathroom and seen Grayson on his bed texting someone. No doubt Sage.

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