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Once we got to the restaurant we found a seat and the waiter took our orders. Once our food was out we just talked about random shit. Cameron is really interesting. Okay that sounded stalkerish but oh well... "So tell me about you Sage." He said taking a drink from his drink. "Well I'm seventeen an-" he interrupted me. "Wait your seventeen!?" He asked me and I slowly nodded. "Shit, then why do you live by yourself?" He asked me. After I explained to him he nodded sincerely.

Once we were done we went to the store. Once we got inside I got some things I might need for my modeling and stuff. Somebody bumped into me and I turned around to see Luke. "Sorry," I said stepping to the side. "Oh hey Sage." He said and I made a small smile. "Hello," I said and he moved closer to me. "Please get away from me." I said harshly. Ya I still don't like him at all. He broke me and Ethan up and I couldn't forgive him for that.

"Fine you know what? I don't like you anyways. Your a fucking ugly ass bitch." He said and walked off. I shrugged and Cameron stared at me. "Your not ugly. Your fucking hot." He said and I blushed. "Thank you," I said and he smiled. "Come on let's go,"he said pulling me to the exit. "Cameron I have to get my stuff for tomorrow!" I yelled and he laughed. "We can come back."he said and I shrugged. "Whatever," I yelled and he shushed me.

Once we got to his hotel he turned on the bath. "Cameron what are you doing?" I asked since he was in the bathroom for thirty minutes. Once he came out of the bathroom he grabbed my hips and pressed a kiss to my lips. "Your the most beautiful girl I've ever seen." He said and I shivered. He led me to the bathroom where he had filled up the bath with bubbles and hot water.

Once I slid my dress off and he slid his clothes off we got into the bath. "Cameron are you sure?" I said and he nodded. "I need you!" He said and I smirked. He straddled me and slowly kissed my neck. The water and bubbles covered the rest of my body. Then I flipped us so I was straddling him. He groaned as I moved my hips over his. Slowly I slid onto him and we both moaned. As I bounced up and down on him he groaned. "Sage," he said as I continued to ride him.

He flipped us over and started pounding into me. He hit all the right places. I just didn't feel the spark I had with Ethan with him. As bad as it sound it's true. I moaned again as he sucked on my neck and pounded into me. Although he was smaller then Ethan he still was pretty big. "Cameron I'm close." I whispered and he stopped. "Cameron!" I whined and he smirked. "Yeah?" He asked playfully, may I remind you he's still inside of me. "Tell me what you want time to do and I'll do it." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"Go faster," I said and he shrugged. "Go faster with what?" He asked and I shivered. "Cameron please," I said and he went the slowest pace which made my legs tremble. "Cameron stop it!" I moaned and he came to another stop. "You told me to stop." He said and I rolled my eyes. "Cameron just do it already!" I screamed and he groaned. "Do what?" He said in a husky voice. "Fuck me already." I said harshly and he did as I said. I reached my high but Cameron was already ready for round two.


The next day I woke up in Cameron's hotel room but Cameron wasn't with me. I checked the time and realized my flight wasn't until three in the afternoon and it was ten thirty so I had awhile. Cameron walked in with Starbucks and a box of donuts. I sat up and stretched as Cameron sat the box of donuts down. He sat my drink beside me on the bedside table. I noticed I was still naked so I quickly pulled up the blankets causing Cameron to laugh.

He walked over to me and pulled them down. He kissed my hips making me shiver. Then he kissed my forehead before going back over to the box of donuts and getting one for himself. I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his waist pulling him close. "Cameron my legs hurt!" I whined and he smirked. "Was I two rough?" He asked playfully and I rolled my eyes as I kissed him on the neck. I stepped in front of him and grabbed a donut ass he ran his fingers down my back lightly.

I turned around so I faced him and gave him a peck on the lips before walking to his suitcase and grabbing a sweater. I slipped it over my head and put my hair into a ponytail. "Hey my flight leaves at three today. Oh and thanks for the breakfast." I said sipping my drinks. "Anytime and I wish I could come with you." He said and I smirked. "Cameron we're not even dating but you so fucking clingy." I laughed and he looked at me.

"What if we were dating?" He asked and I looked down. "I don't know," I shrugged and he came to sat down next to me. "Have you ever thought about it? I mean you can't tell me you haven't when we've been hanging out for two weeks now." He stated and he was totally right. I have thought about it. A lot actually. "I have but.." I said not really wanting to answer. "I mean I know you like me. It's just what will the fans think since i'm older then you by four years?" He asked and I rolled my eyes. "I wish I just wasn't famous. Life would be so much easier."  I sighed and Cameron laughed. "Your so hot when you upset. As bad as that sounds it's true." He said.

"Then why don't you do something since I obviously turn you on so much." I chuckled and he threw his head back. "Why don't you come over here?" He said walking to get another donut. I knew he was kidding but I wasn't. I walked over to him and took the donut from his hand. I put the box on the bed and started kissing him. "Is this you doing something?" He laughed and I rolled my eyes playfully. "Then why don't you do something!" I said and he did.

He pulled the hoodie off me and lifted me onto the desk. He told me to lay down on the desk and I did as told. He spread my legs far apart and smirked before he started "doing something" to me.

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