He is the Bestest Role Model

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            In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

‘Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon our beloved Prophet Muhammad (s.a.s), all his blessed descendents and noble companions.’



"Indeed in the Messenger of Allah (Muhammad [SAW]) you have a good example to follow, for him who hopes for (the Meeting with) Allah and the Last Day, and remembers Allah much."  (Al Qur’an- 33:21)

Prophet Muhammed (SAW) –The Bestest Role Model

Even most exquisite beauty sometimes loses its charm and attraction and becomes grotesque or ugly in the point of the beholder when its true character or behaviour is revealed. If you or someone whom you know has, the combination of both external (in features) and internal (in manners) beauty then know that it is a most blessed blessing of Allah SWT. Don’t take it as granted but be very very grateful to Ar Rahman for it.

A little thing I will share here even though most of you must be aware of it. Never ever forget that, even though you look most gorgeous yet have the worst of character, then that is most rotten indeed… whereas even though you are the plainest girl or guy who lives yet in behaviour and manner you do your wonderful best, then know that in the Eyes of your Lord you are most beautiful indeed!

Besides being the most handsomest, our Prophet (S.A.W) possessed the most exalted character, his behaviour and manners were always most courteous and noble. As said in the above verse those who hope and believe in Allah (SWT) and the Final Day, and those who often remember Allah (SWT), they will find in His beloved Muhammed (S.A.W) an excellent exemplar and the best role model to follow, the one whose ways and teachings inevitably leads to Paradise.

His Unique Fascinating Beauty: (external)

Describing Allah’s Messenger (S.A.W), who passed by her tent on his journey of migration, Umm Ma‘bad Khuza‘iyah said to her husband:

 “He was innocently bright and had broad countenance. He had fine manners. Neither was his belly bulging out nor was his head deprived of hair. He had black attractive eyes finely arched by continuous eyebrows. His hair glossy and black, inclined to curl, he wore long. His voice was extremely commanding. His head was large, well formed and set on a slender neck. His expression was pensive and contemplative, serene and sublime.

 The stranger who looked at Prophet (S.A.W) was fascinated from the distance, but no sooner he became intimate with him than this fascination was changed into attachment and respect. His expression was very sweet and distinct. His speech was well set and free from the use of superfluous words, as if it were a rosary of beads.

 His stature was neither too high nor too small to look repulsive. He was a twig amongst the two, singularly bright and fresh. He was always surrounded by his Companions. Whenever he uttered something, the listeners would hear him with rapt attention and whenever he issued any command, they vied with each other in carrying it out. He was a master and a commander. His utterances were marked by truth and sincerity, free from all kinds of falsehoods and lies.”

Abu Huraira (May Allah be pleased with him) said:

 “I have never seen a thing nicer than  Allah’s Messenger (S.A.W). It seems as if the sunlight were moving within his face. I have never seen one who is faster in pace than Allah’s Messenger (S.A.W). It seemed as if the earth had folded itself up to shorten the distance for him. For we used to wear ourselves out while he was at full ease.”

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