Sunnats of the Night Part-1

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            In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

‘Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon our beloved Prophet Muhammad (s.a.s), his blessed descendents and noble companions.’




S. 1. To sleep in a state of purity, i.e. with wudu and Ghusl (if necessary). If one has made wudu prior to the sleep then it would not be necessary to repeat the wudu. (Bukhari- S.K. - Vol. 1 : Pg. 33)


Note: The following have been narrated as the rewards for sleeping with wudu:-

a) Such a person shall be granted the reward of a martyr if he were to die that night;

b) An angel joins him in bed and whenever he turns in bed this angel seeks forgiveness for him;

c) Such a person is like a person who sleeps after having kept fast (roza) for the day;

d) If such a person sleeps whilst making ‘dhikr’ (remembering Allah) then he will receive the reward of having spent the entire night in worship (ebaadah) and his bedding becomes a Masjid;

e) According to a narration of Baihaqi, the soul of a person sleeping with wudu prostrates (makes sajdah) at the throne (Arsh) of Allah;

f) Satan does not trouble such a person . (S .K .-V o l. 1: Pg. 336-337)'

S .2. To recite “Bismillah” while closing the doors and latching the lock. (Bukhari - S.K. - Vol. 1: Pg. 340)

S. 3. Containers with foodstuff (even water) should be covered with the recitation of “Bismillah”. If no plate or covering is available to close the vessel or pot then a stick could also be used to cover but “Bismillah” should be read. (Ibid).

S.4. To put out any burning fire. (Ibid) .

S. 5. To switch off (or put out) anything which may catch alight (if left on). (Ibid)

S.6. To discuss with members of the household matters relating to Islam, for example by telling stories (of Sahabah, etc) or simply to talk about matters that please them (but within the confines of shariat).

(Shamdil-e- Tirmidhi - S.K. - Vol. 1 : Pg. 358)

S.7. When children reach the age of nine or ten years, the bedding of the females should be separated from that of the males. (Mishkat)

S.8 To have available “Surma Dani” (i.e. a container with surma) and to apply the same thrice on the right eye and thrice to the left. (Shamail-S.K.-Vol. 1 :Pg.341)

S.9. To lay or spread the bed one’s self. (Muslim)

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