Sunnats of Eating Part-1

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                In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

‘Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon our beloved Prophet Muhammad (s.a.s), his blessed descendents and noble companions.’




S.1. To wash the hands before and after eating. (Shamdil - S.K. - Vol. 1 : Pg. 64)

S.2. It was the Sunnat of all the prophets to wash their hands before eating. This action removes poverty. (Mujma 'uz Zawaid - S.K. - Vol 1 : Pg. 63)


Note 1: Washing of hands before and after meals is a means of greater goodness in one’s home. (Ibn Majah - S.K. - Vol. 1: Pg. 63)


Note 2: It is also a means of one’s sustenance increasing.

(Kanzul 'Ummal - S.K. - Vol. 1 : Pg. 63)


Note 3: It is a Sunnah to wash both hands before eating. The Sunnah will not be fulfilled if only one hand is washed.

S.3. To make intention: that I am eating to gain strength for making Allah’s ibadat (worship).

S.4. Our Nabi (S.A.W) used to induce people to be sparing in their eating and he used to say let one third of the stomach be for food, one third for water, one third be left for the stomach itself (i.e. be empty). Our Nabi (S.A.W) inflate only when he was hungry and stopped eating when he could still eat - i.e. he never ate to his fill. (S.K. - Vol. 1 : Pg. 200)

S.5. To eat with the right hand - (similarly when taking food from or when giving to someone the right hand should be used). (Bukhari-S.K. - Vol. 1 : Pg. 68)

S.6. Not to eat with the left hand as Satan eats and drinks with the lefthand. (At-Targhib-S.K-Vol 1 : Pg. 68)


Note: Satan also joins and partakes in the food that is eaten with the left hand. (Ahmad -S.K. - Vol. 1: Pg. 68)

S. 7. To eat together and not individually. (At-Targhib - S.K. - Vol. 1 : Pg. 101)


Note: To remain absolutely silent whilst eating is Makrooh (Shami).

However, one should not speak of nauseating things or grief as it may cause others to loose their appetites.

S.8. The greater the number of people eating together shall mean greater blessings and barakat. (‘Umdatoel Qari - S.K. - Vol. 1 : Pg. 101)

S.9. When eating together the most pious person should be made to begin. (Majma ‘uzZawaid-S.K. - Vol. 1 : Pg. 98-99)

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