Sunnats pertaining to Halal livelihood Part-2

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                In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

‘Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon our beloved Prophet Muhammad (s.a.s), his blessed descendents and noble companions.’



S.26. Our Nabi SAW encouraged farming.

(Bukhari - S.K. - Vol. 2 : Pg. 25)

S.27. Our Nabi SAW mentioned the following as some of the benefits of farming:

a. The farmer receives the reward of Sadaqah with the eating from the tree or plant by any bird, animal or human;

b. Reward is recorded for the farmer in proportion to the plants growth.

c. The farmer receives the reward of charity (Sadaqah) if any animal or human derives any benefit (like shade) from it.

Note: The farmer will receive this reward even if benefit was derived by anyone after having stolen it from the farmer. (S.K. - Vol. 2: Pg. 26)


S.28. Nabi SAW has prohibited the sale of several year’s crops and fruits at once. (Muslim - S.K. - Vol. 2: Pg. 60)

Note 1: The sale of that fruit or crop is permissible only after it appears and can be used. Selling of the crop after the flowers appear or even when it is very small or unsuitable for consumption is not permissible.

Note 2: This above impermissibility applies to both the seller and the purchaser.

S.29. Rasulullah SAW has said that the seller of any crop that perishes, (e.g. due to strong winds, hail etc) is not liable for anything from the purchaser. (S.K. - Vol. 2: Pg. 62)

S.30. Nabi SAW has prohibited the sale of any item that one does not possess. (One could promise that when that item comes on hand then it will be sold). (Tirmidhi- S.K.-Vol. 2 : Pg. 63)

S.31. Our Nabi SAW has prohibited the buying from one who is desperate due to any difficulty.

(Abu Dawud — S.K. - Vol. 2: Pg. 67)

S.32. The Prophet SAW has prohibited us from making an offer upon another’s offer. (Muslim - S.K. - Vol. 2: Pg. 67)

Note: This generally happens in property sales where one person makes an offer and a second person makes a better offer knowing full well that his Muslim brother has made an offer which has yet not been rejected.

S.33. Nabi SAW has prohibited the making of two transactions at once. (Abu Dawud— S.K. - Vol. 2 : Pg. 60)

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