Sunnats of Wudu (Ablution)

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          In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

‘Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon our beloved Prophet Muhammad (s.a.s), his blessed descendents and noble companions.’

                                                                - Aameen.


S. 1 To make wudu at home and then go for Salah. (Bukhari)

S.2 Great care should be taken in making wudu especially on cold wintry days when one feels lazy. (Tirmidhi)

S.3 Niyyat (intention) should be made - I am making wudu to get rid of Hadase Asghar from my body.

S.4 To recite Bismillah.

S.5 Washing both hands, three times, up to the wrists.

S.6  Brushing the teeth with Miswak, if available, otherwise with the index finger of the right hand.

S.7 Gargling three times.

S. 8 Passing water into the nostrils three times.

S .9 Blowing each nostril three times.

S.10 Washing of each part three times.

S.11 Khilal (passing of wet fingers) of beard, fingers and toes.

S.12 Masah of the whole head once.

S.13 Masah of the ears and nape once.

S.14 Washing of each part one after the other without pause, so that no part dries up before completion of wudu.

S.15 To make wudu systematically.

S.16 To begin washing each part from the right side.

S. 17 Those parts that are washed in wudu should be rubbed thoroughly and water not merely made to pass over them. (From Nurul Eid&h)

S. 18 Except for the makruh and forbidden times of Salah, after wudu to read two raka‘ats of Nafl Salah with the intention of ‘Tahiyyatul Wudu (Muslim)

S. 19 After ‘Tahiyyatul Wudu’ to perform Salah, to repent and seek forgiveness from ones sins. (Ahmad)

S.20 Du‘as to be recited when making wudu:




At the beginning of Wudu

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