Sunnats of Salah (Prayer)

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               In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

‘Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon our beloved Prophet Muhammad (s.a.s), his blessed descendents and noble companions.’

                                                    - Aameen.



S.1 To raise hands up to the ears (for men) and to the shoulders (for ladies) before saying Takbir-e-Tahrimah (the first saying of Allahu Akbar in salah).


S.2 While raising hands for takbir to keep the fingers of both the hands raised with fingers naturally apart and facing towards the Qibla (the direction of the Ka’bah in Makkah).

S.3 Not to bend the head when saying takbir and to keep the feet a distance of four fingers apart in the standing position.


S.4Saying takbir-e-tahrimah and other takbir aloud by the imam according to the need, while going from one posture to another.

S.5 After saying takbir-e-tahrimah the men should fold their hands below the navel and ladies upon their breasts.

Note: Men and women should have the right hand above the left.

S.6 To read Thana (in the first rak‘at only).

S.7 To read T‘awwuz (A ‘oozu Billahi minash Shaitaan Nirrajeem) only in the first rak‘at.

S.8 To recite the tasmiyyah (complete Bismillah) in every rak‘at before Surah Fatihah.

                    Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem

S.9 To say Aameen after the recitation of Surah Fatihah.

S.10 To recite Thana. T ‘awwuz, tasmiyyah and Aameen silently.

S.11 To say Takbir (A llahu Akbar) whilst going into Ruku.


S.12To grasp the knees in Ruku with open fingers but women should keep their fingers together.

S.13In Ruku to keep the back and head in the same level; to stretch the hands straight and to keep them away from the ribs. The calves should also be straight. This is for men. Women should bend only to the extent that their hands reach their knees.

S.14 To say ‘Subhana Rabbi Al-‘azim’ at least three times in Ruku.

S.15 Whilst coming up from Ruku the imam should say ‘Sami ‘Allahu Liman Hamidah’ followed by ''Rabbana Lakal Hamd’ by the muqtadi (the one who follows the Imam),  The munfarid i.e. the one who reads his Salah alone should  say both.

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