Sunnats pertaining to Halal livelihood Part-1

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                In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

‘Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon our beloved Prophet Muhammad (s.a.s), his blessed descendents and noble companions.’



S.1. Nabi SAW has said that the seeking of halal livelihood is compulsory (fard) after the other compulsory acts (faraid) like Salah, fasting, Hajj etc. (Baihaqi-S.K.-Vol.2: Pg. 17)

Note: The above Hadith clearly reveals:

a) That to earn wealth is a responsibility upon that person who is in need (i.e. the person who does not have the necessities of life either for himself or his dependents).

b) If one has the means of providing for oneself and those under one’s care without working, then it is not compulsory for such a person to work.

c) Work should not hamper or hinder one from fulfilling one’s other Islamic obligations, e.g. Salah, fasting, enjoining good and forbidding evil, etc.

S.2. One must always be honest in all one’s business dealings. (Baihaqi- S.K. - Vol. 2 : Pg. 18)

S.3. An honest businessman will be in the shade of the throne of Allah. (At-Targhib - S.K. - Vol. 2: Pg. 19)

S.4. When earning a halal livelihood two important principles have to always be borne in mind:

a. The method of earning has to be halal; and

b. One must not become so involved and engrossed in earning that one forgets about Allah and His commandments or even relegate it to second in importance. (S.K. - Vol. 2: Pg. 17)

S.5. Allah SWT loves to see tiredness on His servant caused due to working to earn a halal livelihood. (Kanzul 'Ummal - S.K. - Vol. 2: Pg. 17)

S.6. Business is a means of earning halal sustenance. (Baihaqi - S.K. - Vol. 2 : Pg. 18)

S.7. Earning by means of one’s own hands is a Sunnah of the Prophets. (Bukhari- S.K. - Vol. 2: Pg. 18)

S.8. Allah loves gentleness at the time of buying, selling and making decisions. (Bukhari-S.K. -Vol. 2: Pg. 39)

Note: Patience, humility, tolerance and the habit of talking gently are essential for successfully conducting business.

S.9. Our Nabi SAW has said that the trade, i.e. earning by means of one’s own hands, e.g. as a carpenter, mechanic, together with business that is in accordance to the Shariah are the best forms of earning a livelihood. (Baihaqi-S.K.-Vol.2:Pg. 18-19)

S.10. An honest businessman will be the first to enter Paradise. (Kanzul ‘Ummal - S.K. - Vol. 2: Pg. 20)

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