Sunnats upon Awakening and Istinja

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                In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

‘Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon our beloved Prophet Muhammad (s.a.s), his blessed descendents and noble companions.’

                                     - Aameen.

Daily Sunnats



*S. 1. As soon as one awakens, rub both the palms on the face and eyes so that the sleep disappears.

 S.2. On awakening recite the duas:

 Al-hamdu Lil-lahil-ladhi Ahyana Ba‘da Ma Amatana Wa Ilaihin-nushur.

 “All praises are due to Allah who has given us life after taking it away. And to Him is our raising (on the Day of Qiyamah).”

(Shama ’il Tirmidhi)


Allahumma Bika Asbahna Wa Bika Amsayna Wa Bika Nahya, Wa Bika Namutu Wa Ilaikan-nushur.

 "O Allah! With Your help have I started the day and with Your help have I started the evening. With (Your pleasure) we live and die and to You is (our) raising (on the Day of Qiyamah)”


S.3. To make Miswak on awakening

S.4. Hadrat ‘Aisha (R.A) narrates that our beloved Nabi (S.A.W) upon awakening used to first relieve himself and then make Miswak (during wudu) (Abu Dawood-S.K.-Vol 1 :Pg 360)


* S — Sunnat


S. 1 Wash hands up to the wrists thrice before inserting into a bucket, drum or container for removing water.


S.2 Water, and lumps of earth (toilet paper) should be taken to the toilet for the purpose of Istinja, however, if these are already in the toilet then it shall not be necessary. It is mustahab to take three clods of earth. (Tirmidhi)

S.3 Whilst going to the toilet our Nabi (S.A.W) always used to wear shoes and cover his head. (Ibn S ‘ad)

S.4 Before entering the toilet this Du’a should be read:

 Allahumma inni a ‘udhubika Minal-Khubuthi Wal-Khaba’ith

 “O Allah! I seek protection in You from the male and female devil.” (Tirmidhi)

 Note: ‘Bismillah' should be read before this du‘a and also whenever one changes clothing as according to the Hadith, this prevents the Satan from looking at one’s private parts. (Mirqat-Vol. l:Pg.361)

S.5 The toilet should be entered with the left foot. (IbnMajah)

S.6 It is best to lower oneself as much as possible before undressing for Istinja. (Tirmidhi)

S.7 Any item (eg. ring, locket etc.) that has either the names of Allah or His Nabi (S.A.W) or any verse of the Qur’an should be removed before entering the toilet. (Nasai)

 Note: The ring can be worn again after leaving the toilet. However, ta’wizes which are waxed or sewn in cloth maybe worn in the toilet also.

S. 8 One should not face or show ones back towards the Qibla (Direction of Ka’bah) whilst relieving oneself (Tirmidhi)

 (We should face east, west or north, south (depending upon which country you are in); special care in this regard should be taken when building homes.)

S.9 Whilst relieving oneself one should not talk except in the case of dire need. (Mishkat)

 However, one should not utter the name of Allah in the toilet under all circumstances.

S.10 Whilst making Istinja the right hand should not touch the private parts but the left should be used. (Bukhari, Muslim)

S. 11 One should be very cautious about the splashing of urine drops (not being cautious of which is one of the main causes of punishment of the grave). (Tirmidhi)

S.12 Where toilets are not available then one should ensure that one goes so far that none can see i.e. a place of privacy. (If one is to use the veld). (Tirmidhi)

S.13 One should not relieve oneself at such places where people generally rest or use for other purposes e.g. as walkways. (Abu Dawud)

S.14 One should sit and urinate on soft ground so that the urine does not splash onto him. (Tirmidhi)

 Note: (One should not urinate in a standing posture, especially not on roadsides in full view of passing motorists).

S.15 Istinja should first be made with earth (or toilet paper) and then with water. (Tirmidhi)

S.16 When leaving the toilet one should step out with the right foot. (Tirmidhi)

S.17 Once outside the toilet this du‘ a should be recited:

Ghufranaka. Al-hamdu Lil-lahil-ladhi Adhhaba AnnilAdha Wa ‘Afani

 “O Allah! I seek Your pardon. All praises are due to Allah who has taken away from me discomfort and granted me relief.” (Tirmidhi)

 After relieving oneself, preparations should be made for Salat {Namaz). Firstly, one should clean oneself of najasat (filth),whether Hadase Akbar (in need of ghusl) or Hadase Asghar (inneed of wudhu).

We shall therefore, discuss the Sunnats of ghusl (bath) and wudu in the next chapter Insha Allah.


* * Istinja: is the cleaning of the private parts after passing out urine and stool by using clean water, toilet paper, earth, etc.

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