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                In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

‘Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon our beloved Prophet Muhammad (s.a.s), his blessed descendents and noble companions.’




Before the end of the 20th day of Ramadhân until the moon of eid ul-fitr is sighted, the act of sitting at the place where one offers one's salâh at home and engaging in ibâdah is known as i'tikâf.

There is great reward in this i'tikâf. Once a woman commences with i'tikâf, she can only leave that place for the purpose of relieving herself or for the purpose of food and drink.

 If there is someone who could bring the food and drink, she cannot leave that place even for the purpose of food and drink. She should remain in that place all the time and sleep there as well.

It is preferable not to remain idle. Instead, she should occupy herself in the recitation of the Quran, offering nafl salâhs, engaging in the remembrance of Allâh Ta'âla, etc.

If a woman experiences haid or nifâs, she should abandon her i'tikâf. I'tikâf in such a state is not permissible.

While in a state of i'tikâf, it is not permissible for a woman to have intercourse with her husband, to sleep with him, hug him etc.


A/N ;)

Ever sat at I’tikâf? I have sat for one day Alhamdulillah, from Maghrib to Maghrib during the last 10 days of Ramadhan ;))) Subhan Allah it was wonderful! Do it for Allah SWT’s sake if not for all ten days, one can easily sit for 1 or 3 or 5 days Insha Allah… believe me you would be treated so royally ;)

All you have to do is remember Allah SWT by doing Dhikr or praying Nafl Salah or reciting the Holy Qur’an etc just sitting in a secluded place where you usually pray. If it is your room, and you have a bathroom attached too, then voila! It is perfect but remember you can’t go out even to the other parts of the home until your I’tikâf gets over, just engage in worshipping and praising Allah SWT and dream about all the amazing rewards you will ask Him or He will give you before you ask on the Last Day Insha Allah Aameen! ;D

With Duas and Salaam,

abdurRahman (Gudi ;))

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