Sunnats of reciting the Holy Qur'an

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                 In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

‘Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon our beloved Prophet Muhammad (s.a.s), his blessed descendents and noble companions.’




S.1 To ensure that one’s body and clothes are paak (clean).

S.2 To ensure that the place where the Qur’an is to be recited, together with its surroundings are clean.

S.3 To use the Miswak before reciting the Qur’an.

S.4 To make wudu before the recitation.

S.5 To sit facing the Qiblah.

S.6 To place the Qur’an in a slightly elevated position.

S.7 To refrain from haste and urges to complete the recitation quickly.

S. 8 To weep when reading verses of fear and Jahannam and to express joy when reading verses of Jannah and glad tidings.

S.9 To read with tajweed (correct pronunciation).

S.10 To read A‘udhu and Bismillah at the beginning.

S.11 To read with a sweet (distinct and pleasing) voice and not in a ‘singing’ tone.

S.12 To read in a loud voice if one does not apprehend insincerity (on his own part) or cause a disturbance to others.

One should be especially cautious not to read even the Qur’an loudly if it (such reading) shall cause a disturbance to any person reading Salah.

S.13 To refrain from talk of any sort whilst reading the Qur’an. However, if one is compelled by circumstances to talk, even if it is to answer the Islamic greeting, then one should resume one’s recitation again with "A‘udhu".

S.14 Our Nabi (S.A.W) would not make ‘khatm’ of the Qur‘an (complete recitation of the Qur’an) before 3 days, (Ibn Sa‘d)

A/N ;)

Short yes? The next will be about its beautiful Virtues Insha Allah, take care 'till then...May Allah SWT always guide and protect us all! Aameen Summa Aameen.

With Duas and Salaam,

abdurRahman (Gudi ;))

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