Qada or Missed Fasts

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                In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

‘Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon our beloved Prophet Muhammad (s.a.s), his blessed descendents and noble companions.’



1.  The fasts that have been missed for some reason or the other have to be kept after Ramadhân as soon as possible. One should not delay in keeping these missed fasts. It is a sin to delay in keeping these missed fasts without any reason.

2.  When keeping the qada fasts, it is not necessary to specify the date by saying: "I am keeping a qada fast for so-and-so day". Instead, one should merely keep the fasts that have been missed. However, if one has missed a few fasts of two Ramadhâns and has to keep the qada for both the years, it will be necessary to specify the year for which he is keeping the qada. That is, he should make the intention in the following way: "I am keeping this qada fast for so-and-so year".

3.  When keeping a qada fast, it is necessary to make the intention at night (i.e. before subah sâdiq). If the intention is made in the morning (i.e. after subah sâdiq), the qada fast will not be valid and it will be regarded as a nafl fast. The person will have to keep the qada fast again.

4.The same rule applies to the kaffarah fasts, i.e. the intention has to be made at night. If the intention is made the following morning, the kaffarah fast will not be valid.

5.When keeping the qada fasts, one has the choice of either keeping them consecutively or at random. Both options are permissible.

6.  If a person has not kept the qada fasts of Ramadhân and the following Ramadhân commences without his having made the qada, he should keep the fasts of the present Ramadhân and keep the qada fasts of the previous Ramadhân after Eid. However, it is an evil practice to delay in this manner.

7. In the month of Ramadhân a person became unconscious during the day. This unconsciousness continued for more than a day. Apart from the day on which he fell unconscious, he will have to keep qada of all the other days in which he remained unconscious. Qada of the first day on which he fell unconscious is not wâjib because due to his intention of fasting, that fast has become valid. However, if the person was not fasting on that day,  or, if he took some medication on that day and this medication went down his throat, qada of this first day will also be wâjib on him.

8. If the person fell unconscious at night, it is not wâjib on him to make qada of the fast of the following day as well. However, he will have to make qada of the remainder of the days in which he remained unconscious. But if he did not make the intention of fasting on that night for the following day, or if he took some medication the following morning, then he will also have to make qada of that first day.

9. If a person remains unconscious for the entire month of Ramadhân, even then he should make qada of these fasts. He should not think that he is absolved from keeping all these fasts. However, if he became a lunatic, and this lunacy remained for the entire month, he does not have to keep qada for any of the days of this Ramadhân. If his lunacy disappears on any day in the month of Ramadhân and he comes back to his senses, he should commence fasting  and keep qada of the days in which he experienced this lunacy.

The Nazr or Vowed Fasts

1.  If a person vows to keep a fast, it becomes wâjib upon him to fulfill it. If he does not do so, he will be sinning.

2.Nazr is of two types. One is that the person takes a vow by specifying the day and date by saying: "O Allâh! If a particular task of mine is fulfilled today, I will keep a fast for Your pleasure tomorrow." Alternatively, he says: "O Allâh! If a certain wish of mine is fulfilled, I will keep a fast on the coming Friday." When taking such a vow, it is permissible to make the intention at night or the following day until an hour before mid-day. In both cases the vow will be completed.

3.     A person had taken a vow to fast on Friday. When Friday came, he merely made the following intention: "Today I am fasting", without specifying that this is a nazr fast. Alternatively he made the intention of keeping a nafl fast. Even then, the nazr  fast will be fulfilled. However, if a person keeps a qada fast on this Friday and forgets to keep the nazr fast, or, he remembers but intentionally keeps a qada fast, then in such a case the nazr fast will not be fulfilled. Instead, the qada fast will be considered and he will have to repeat the nazr fast.

4.   The second type of nazr is that the person does not specify the day and date. He merely says: "O Allâh! If a particular task of mine is fulfilled, I will keep a fast." Alternatively, he did not mention the task but merely said that he will keep five fasts. For such a nazr, it is a prerequisite to make the intention at night. If the intention is made in the morning, the nazr will not be fulfilled and this fast will be regarded as a nafl fast.

A/N ;)

More chapters will come about Fasts Insha Allah, hope this was useful.

With Duas and Salaam,

abdurRahman (Gudi ;))


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