Sunnats of Ghusl (Bath)

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           In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

‘Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon our beloved Prophet Muhammad (s.a.s), his blessed descendents and noble companions.’



S. 1 One should hasten in the making of ghusl (bathing) if one awakens after subh sadiq (early dawn). (Tirmidhi): so that fajr Salah is read with jama ‘at (congregation). It is a major wrong to delay the ghusl of Janabat (compulsory bath) until after sunrise, as angels of Rahmat (mercy) do not enter such homes where a person (male or female) delays the fard (compulsory) ghusl. (Mishkat)


Sunnat Method Of Performing Ghusl

S.2 Both hands up to the wrists should be washed three times at the outset with the intention of cleaning oneself of Hukmi Najasat. Now, Najasat (filth) found on any part of the body should be washed off (even if one is not in a state of janabat - in need of ghusl - bath). Both the private parts should then be washed even if one had not relieved oneself. Wudu should then be made in accordance to the Sunnat method. However, the feet could be washed at the end of ghusl if used water does not flow off. Water should then be poured over the head, right and left shoulders three times each. One should ensure that water reaches every part of the body not forgetting the mouth and nostrils.



S.3 After the Ghusl (Bath) both, to wipe the body dry or not to, are Sunnat, with either method one can make the intention of practicing upon a Sunnat.


If the hair of a woman is plaited, she is excused from loosening her plaited hair but it is compulsory for her to wet the base of each and every hair. If she fails to do this then the ghusl will not be valid. IF A SINGLE HAIR IS LEFT DRY GHUSL WILL NOT BE VALID.

Men who grow long hair and plait them are not excused from leaving their plaits dry. If a woman is unable to wet the very bottom of her plaited hair, i.e. that portion which is close to the scalp, then it is necessary for her to unplait (loosen) and wash her entire hair.

S.4 It is mustahab (preferable) to clean the body by rubbing it. All parts of the body should be rubbed with the hands to ensure that water reaches every part of the body.

S.5 Rings, earrings, etc. should be rotated or preferably removed to ensure that no portion covered by them is left dry. The navel and ears should also be washed.

S.6 On completion one should confine oneself to a clean place and wash one’s feet if they had not been washed whilst making wudu and thereafter dress as hastily as possible.

S.7 It is not necessary to repeat the entire ghusl if, after ghusl, one notices or recalls that a certain portion of the body is left dry. Merely washing the dry portion shall suffice.


(i) Passing of wet hands over the dry portion is not sufficient. Some water should be taken and poured over that area.

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