Part idk

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Everyone was glade to have Jayden safe so he picked a movie and we decided we would all talk about it later.

---After watching frozen---

Jenns pov
So today we lost and found Jayden. We have to discuss what's going to happen because if we all go to school something can happen to Jayden. Anything can happen at any time is the sad part. Jayden fell asleep on the couch and everyone everyone was talking in a whisper

Serenity-"what are are gonna do?"

Mario-"Well Jayden can always be homeschooled"

Serenity-"yeah but I can't all the colleges I'm looking into only give scholarships to kids that graduate from my school"

Geo-"He's fine I'll help him when you're at school"

Ariel-"Yeah I can too"

Zach-"we can always alternate and switch"

Serenity-" no I couldn't ask that of you"

Jenn-"we all have grown together and we wanna do anything to help"

Serenity-" okay so tomorrow we can talk to his teacher about it and maybe she can help. It's been awhile since Any of us have been in his grade and know how to teach it"

Serenitys pov
We all put on another movie and decided to sleep in the living room

Serenitys pov We all put on another movie and decided to sleep in the living room

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the living room was like one big bed. Everyone had fallen asleep and I was dozing off but then I hear
(A/N from my last note a lot of you do not speak Spanish to I will put the sub titles I guess that's what it's call for those who do not understand 🙂)
And I'm Colombian so that's kinda the reason I use "used" instead of "tú" it's a habit.
Jenn-"¿usted gusta ella?" (You like her?)
Geo-"si mucho" (yes a lot)
Jenn-"bueno" (okay)
Geo-"¿que pasa? (What's wrong?)
Jenn-"nada" (nothing)
Geo-"Por qué no usted gusta ella" (why don't you like her)
Jenn-" I just feel like no hablamos y no estamos tan cerca Y empezó cuando ella vino"(i just feel like we don't talk anymore and we're not as close since she came$
Geo-" I'm sorry you seemed busy with Mario and I was busy with serenity i just forgot I had a little sister who could have missed me
Jenn-"Debería haber dicho algo" (i should have said something)
Geo-" Después de la reunión de mañana y tomar serenity podemos ir de compras si quieres" ( after the meeting tomorrow and I drop her off we can go shopping if you want)
Jenn-" Ya tu sabes que diría que si" (you already know I would say yes)
Geo-"Good now get some sleep it's gonna be a long day"

Serenitys pov
Wow I can't believe she feels someway about me. I don't fully understand Spanish but I hear from geo teaching Jayden little thing and hear enough

Geos pov
I feel bad I didn't mean to make her feel like that. I see serenity eyes slightly flutter and I realize she's up."I know your up" but she ignores me. She doesn't speak Spanish but I know she understands most of it. She probably feels like it's her fault but I let her ignore it and kiss her forehead and fall asleep

Sooo idk conversation between Geo and jenn might be in Spanish and yeah. But I feel like this story Is getting boring☹️ WELL LIKE, VOTE, FOLLOW, AND ALL THAT LOVE YAAA❤️

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