"I could've given you the world"

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Jenns pov
So we all woke up early to go to Jayden's school to see his teacher. She was confused at first but after a while of explaining she said she could help us. I went with Geo to drop serenity off at school then we were going to the mall.

Serenitys pov
So yeah Geo caught me listening to their conversation but he knows I didn't understand most of it anyways. I give him a quick kiss then Rush off. I had to miss 2 periods to have that meeting and I have a test this period I can't miss.

Geo-" Jenn serenity heard us talking about her last night."
Jenn-"Okay? It's not like she speaks Spanish anyways"  *I know I said this with a little bit of attitude but I don't see the problem*
Geo-"so she feels bad. I really like her and I don't need my 2 favorite girls not liking each other and she understood enough I've been teacher her Spanish"
Jenn-"what the hell Geo?"
Geo-"I don't understand the problem"*i mocked her voice*
Jenn-"First we don't hang out as often now we barely talk then she's learning Spanish and we can't have inside jokes In another language cuz she'll understand??"
Geo-"So that's what this is about... you're afraid she's gonna completely replace you."
Jenn-"Look I just wanna go home I'm done talking about this"
Geo-"jenn sh-"

Geos pov
She walks out the car and takes off in a sprint. I get out but can see her anymore. I text everyone at home to lmk when she'll show up and make my way to the mall. She always does this she'll be fine she just needs space. I go to the mall and look at necklaces. As I'm looking two girls come up and some takes a picture while the other one  kisses me. Then they ran. I immediately text serenity
"I need to tell you something"
Then buy what I was looking at

Once I finish I look at the time and serenity is just getting out of school. I go to pick her up but she's not there so I text her again "Babe where are you I'm waiting in the front?"
And then I get a text from Ariel "What happened today why is serenity crying???"
Zach-"Yo you got some Explaining to do"

I rush home and run to serenitys room I try to open it but it's locked "babe let me in"
And I hear a faint "no"
"What's wrong?"
"go away"
I'm not gonna do it with her right now so I post on snap "Damn and to think I could've given you the world but if you prefer an island be my guest☹️"
And that's when Ariel and Zach come through the door yelling

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