Left for dead

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(Author note: if you've seen blood sisters you know who's in this chapter since she saw us this)
Ezra POV
"Spectre five do you read me? Her asked threw the comm.
"Yes Hera we hear you." I stated. My brother had his com but, refused to answer anyone unless they used the stupid new code name he came up with for him self. Gaylin thought if he wasn't know as Spector 6 then, no one would think he was part of the crew. That way if he was caught no one would ask him about us.
"Where's you brother?" She asked. I glared a Gaylin who was standing right next to me.
"Gayl-" I was cut off by my brother who grabbed the com from my hands.
"Don't call me that over the com Ezy." He whined. I glared at him.
"Then what the hell do you want me to call you?" I asked annoyed.
"My code name."He grinned.
"No." I frowned.
"Why not?"
"Cause it's stupid."
"Oh come on. It took me two days to perfect it."
"Gaylin it's a stupid name. I mean how can you kill a star?"
"Oh my god. Just roll with it." He states handing back my com. I sighed.
"Star killer is with me." I groaned in the com.
"Good. Did you find anyone that could have sent that destress signal?" Hera asked.
"No one yet but, we're still looking." I answered her as we continued walking down the old abandoned med station from the clone wars. Someone sent out a destress beacon while we were in the area from this exact place. We don't know where they were but, that message wasn't a happy message. All it said was
"Help. Mom found u-"
They person sent it before they could finish it. Yet this was not a good sign. Who ever mom was something told me that she wasn't a good woman. We kept walking with our flash lights revealing anything ahead of us. Gaylin tripped over a pole laying on the ground.
"You know for a Jedi you should watch where you're going." I joked looking at him. I probably should have been watching where I was going since the second I turned my head around I hit my head on a pipe.
"Ha! Look who's talking." He smiled.
I rolled my eyes and kept walking.
"You know how do we know this mom didn't kill her kids?" Gaylin asked.
"What makes you think it was this person mom?" I asked.
"Ezra who in their right mind would call them selves mom as a code name. Not even Hera uses that as a code name even though she should. She always treats us like we're her kids."
"Okay so what do you mean kids?"
"Ezra the note said us. Now if you were kids with abusive mother then chances are you'd take your sibling or siblings with you when you escape."
"Why would their mom be abusive?"
"Oh my- Who the hell sends out a destress message that says 'Help! Mom found us." That isn't terrified of their mother at the moment. Hey look at that." He said pointing at a picture spray painted on the wall five feet in from of us. I walked closer to study the piece. It appeared to be an picture of a magenta water lily with a pink stem. I wasn't any artist so I don't know if the artist intended for it to look like this but, it sure was pretty. Gaylin looked at the picture.
"It looks pretty good. Well better than anything I could ever create." Gaylin stated crouch down so he could look at the picture. He was smiling. "I remember Morgana's mom loved water lilies so much. For Mother's Day even though she wasn't my mother I bought her a huge bouquet of them seeing as I saw her as my mom since she moved in with us. She sobbed for like three hours. That woman was so emotional. She used to cry watching Ellen daily.(no joke though my mom actually crying while watching Ellen)"
"I never knew you were so emotional." I joked. Gaylin didn't laugh like he always did when I joked with him. He was just crouch down down looking at it as if he was remembering something. His eyes began to water.
Gaylin's POV flash back
"Starla! Starla!" I screamed running up to my father's fiancé who I had know from a young age. Like always she had her long brown hair dad loved in a braid on the top of her head, a blue long dress that went down to the floor with sleeves that went down to her elbows and a yellow apron with an orange star in the centre of it. She looked down with her kind purple eyes.
"Morning my little song bird." She smiled crouching down to look me in the eyes. "Breakfast will be read in a couple minutes."
"That's not why I came to talk to you." I smiled griping tightly to the bouquet of water Lilies behind my back. They were inches off of the ground since I was so short. Then again I was three.
"Oh?" She giggled. "The what is it my song bird?"
I held out the bouquet in front of me.
"Happy Mother's Day!" I smiled revealing the gap between my two front teeth. She blushed as she took the flowers from me.
"Water Lilies?" She asked.
"You mentioned they were your favourite." I smiled before realizing she was sobbing. "Oh no, Starla don't cry. I'm sorry I made you sad."
"I'm not sad sweetie. It's just you made me so happy and I'm not even your mother yet." She sobbed.
"Well I think of you as my mommy right now." I smiles. She pulled me into a hug and sobbed louder.
~end of flash back~
Back to Ezra's POV
"Oh god, Gaylin don't you dare cry over a picture." I whined.
"I-I'm not crying." He said choking back a sob as he stood back up. I sighed. He could hide his feelings better then any of us. Yet he still couldn't ever fool me or Morgana about how he felt. I held out my arms.
"Do you want a hug? I won't tell the others." I smiled. He nodded and hugged me. I sighed while hugging him back. How the hell did he go from 100% spy to sad in five seconds?
"I-I miss them all." He sobbed into my hair.
"I know. I miss my family to but, I have you guys now." I smiled. "Now shouldn't we be continuing the mission?" He nodded.
"Probably." He stated lifting his head up. He gasped.
"We don't need to look any more." Gaylin stated back away from me. I spun around.
"What! How'd you-" I froze as I saw the girl lying on the floor in a puddle of her own blood. She had her hair dyed a light blue and purple, a blue chest plate, a blue right shoulder plate, a purple left shoulder plate, left blue knee guard, a right purple knee guard, blue and purple shoes, large brown eyes that were wide open, a look of pain on her face and a knife in her stomach. Gaylin ran up to her a checked for a pulse. He calmed down once he found one. Her pulse was pretty weak but still there. Very carefully my brother picked her up. He walked by me.
"You coming?" He asked me. I nodded. We ran back to the ship. Gaylin five feet a head of me since the girl's pulse weakened every couple minutes. The second we got back on the ship his shirt, normal arm and metal arm were covered in her blood.
"Boys your back!" Hera smiled running up to us. Then her eyes fell on the girl.
"Gaylin go put her in the med bay. I'll be there in a second after I get us into hyper space." She stated calmly. Gaylin nodded and left. She pulled me to the front of the ship. Then she made me sit right next to her. Finally when we got into hyper space she asked me something I expected her to.
"Do you know who she is?"
"I'm not certain for sure but, I'm pretty sure that was the person who sent the distress signal." I sighed. She nodded an put ado pilot on.
"I'm going to go help her. Stay here. Kanan's going to want to know what happened." She stated leaving the room. I sighed and slid down in my chair an inch. This is going to be a long night.

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