Loath werewolf AU-one shot

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So this is based on the new episode that came out WHIHC I AM STILL UPSET OVER! So if you haven't seen Dume or know what happens to the crew I recommend you at home it first.
Ezra ran as quickly as he could while the moons rose behin him. He glanced behin him to see if the giant loath wolf was still there. To his surprise nothing was there. He stopped in his spot as he began gasping for breath.
"W-why are they chasing me?" He wondered. Until this morning the wolves seemed to like him. If it was up to him, he would guess it was the outcome of last night's mission. A mission he would rather forget. It was something he would like to forget for the rest of his life. Along with that growl her just heard. .....wait what?
He glanced behind him and sure enough the same large wolf was back. It was now growling at him. Ezra sighed as he raced off again wondering what he did wrong along with if these things would eat him. He began to wonder if maybe this was a spirit or something. Yet, he knew he'd never know if it ATE him.
So, he kept running for a long time. It had been so long that he began to wonder if the crew even realized he was gone or if they were all to lost in grief, that they forgot about him. Then again maybe they just didn't want him around anymore. After all he could have helped by using the force! Yet, he didn't for some reason! This was all his fault then again so, maybe he did deserve it.
All these thoughts ran through his head as he continued running. Yet, soon he realized the growling had stopped. He stopped running again and began to look around as he panted rapidly. There once again were no wolves.
"Oh my god are they gonna start chasing me again in a minute?" He wondered. His heart was pounding so hard that he could hear it beating as he tried to think. The heart beats drowned his thoughts out of his mind. Then an idea hit him and he opened his mouth to say something to the wolves but, no words came out. Instead he heard a whimpers.
The male covered his mouth and looked himself over. He didn't seem to be hurt any where. Well except, his lungs which were begging for more air. Other than that he was fine. So why was he whimpering?
Then he heard it again. It was coming from behind rock in the distance. The whimper differently didn't belong to a animals though. It belonged to a human. Ezra whimpered in pain when he was younger enough to know what a human whimpering sounded like. The male gulped as he slowly made his way over to the rock. Then he gazed over it.
There was a person with their ankle caught in trap that had differently been left for Zeb by that hunter. (It's basically a big, silver bear trap)
As he got a better look he noticed the person's outline had large ears. The same large ears that the loath wolves chasing him had. There also seemed to be a large bushy tail attached to them. They whimpered a bit as they moved back a few inched while trying to pull the trap open with their bare hands. Ezra noticed cuts all over the palms of their hands from the trap cutting them at each attempt to get free.
The person tugged to the trap again. They stopped as their hand slipped, cutting on one of the trap's sharp teeth. A tiny whimpers came from them as their blood began to drop on the ground. The person sighed as he leaned with his back against the rock.
To Ezra's surprise there was a large sling around their chest that had three new born, human babies in it. The tiniest one whimpered snuggling into the loath wolf creatures chest. The person caressed their tiniest baby's cheek.
"Shhh. Maxie, you're okay." The person cooed. They sound a lot more to be a male then a female. So, it was definitely a male. That was when Ezra began to wonder, why on early were they here with a bunch of newborns? Who did the newborn's belong to?
  Ezra gulped as he walked over to the side of the rock. The second the loath werewolf noticed the other person coming close to him and his pups, he wrapped an arm around the bundle in a protective fashion. His yellow, animal like eyes filled with panic seeing Ezra before he began to try and growl. Yet, he ended up whimpering moving an inch as he looked up at then human male. The loath werewolf looked helplessly lost in pain as he tried to put up a guard for his children's sake.
"Hey, I'm not gonna hurt ya. I just wanna know what happened?" Ezra asked dropping down next to the male. The Loath werewolf jumped a bit before trying to move away causing his ankle in the trap to bleed roughly all over the ground. The male whimpered a bit as his arms moved from holding his children to holding his leg. Ezra meanwhile swore a bit seeing how much blood was around the Loath werewolf male. There was a large puddled blood on the ground under the trap while the male's leg. If that wasn't enough blood to make Ezra nervous, then the blood on the other male's leg would have made him nervous.
"Look, I'm gonna count to three. When I say three, you pull you leg back as quickly as possible." Ezra gulped. The other male glared a bit before the youngest baby whimpered again making him caress the baby again while looking at it. He began to cook at his child as he began to think of weather he could trust this male or not.
He sighed before nodding his head glancing back up at Ezra. Ezra let out a sigh before he put his hands on the sides of the traps.
"One," The Loath werewolf male whimpered a bit holding the bundle closer to his chest while his ears seemed to tilted downward over his head. He hoped the kids wouldn't hear him scream in pain in a minute.
"Two," The male was sweating as he looked at what Ezra was doing. Meanwhile his heart began to pound loudly and as quickly as possible. Why? He knew what was gonna happen next was gonna hurt like hell.
"Three!" Ezra pulled the trap open with his bare hands using the force. The loath werewolf male moved backwards as quickly as he could pulling his leg out of the trap in the process. Then werewolf male began whimpering as he held his leg close to his body, trying to stop the blood. Ezra quickly took his fingers off the trap. With a loud clank the trap behind them close again making the loath wolf male jump. The two oldest babies began to look up at their daddy from the sudden movement. Ezra sighed seeing the male panic before taking his coat off and wrapping the orange coat around the other male's bloody ankle.
"I fucking hate that thing." The bleeding male mumbled as his tail seemed to shrink into nothing. Ezra looked up from the ankle he was wrapping to see the male glaring at at the trap. He giggled a bit as he finished bandaging the ankle.
"Such language, and in front of children no less." Ezra smiled. The male glared at him with his yellow animal like eyes.
"Fuck you." The male scoffed trying to get up. He let out a scream of pain as his injured leg was used. Then before he knew it he dropped to the ground holding his ankle again. Ezra jumped to his feet hearing the yell. Meanwhile the tiniest baby had woken up due to all the noise and were now crying loudly.
"Okay, how about I help you get up and take you back to your place." Ezra offered looking a the male. The male sighed as he began bouncing the triplets again. He bit his lip as he nodded his head. Ezra smiled before getting in his knees and wrapping his arm around the male's left side where his injured ankle was.
Soon they were both standing up with Ezra's arm around the male. They slowly began to hobble off. Yet, the arm Ezra had wrapped around the male tended to poke one if the babies in the nose every few minutes to make it giggle and reach it's tiny arms up, trying to get his finger. Ezra giggled along with the child every time hike the male glared at him. Soon the baby giggled so loudly that it's other sibling jumped before giggling too.
"Would you stop that? They're not gonna sleep tonight if you keep doing that!"the male snapped. Ezra rolled his eyes.
"They probably got enough sleep late night." Ezra smirked.
"They were literally just born in a field a fucking hour ago." The male scoffed looking at him. Ezra blushed as he looked at the tiny giggling triplets again.
"Oh....Well they look awfully cute for newborns." Ezra smiled as the continued to walk. The male smiled looking down at his children with a sense of pride. His only baby girl smiled back up at him before giggling with her brothers again.
"Yeah, they are. I bet ya Arcann's gonna be so jealous. I mean Braxton didn't look this cute when he was born a few years ago and his daughter wasn't this cute when she was just born." He smirked.
Ezra smiled looking over at the male as he let him blabber on about this Arcann's guy and his kids. Then he began talking about his brother's kids who weren't even close to being this excuse when they were born. Just listening to how happy he sounded about these kids made him giggle. He would never be like thus around his kid though. You know, if Ezra had any.
Soon they came up upon a large cave. Ezra opened his mouth to tell the male they were at the cave when a two year old boy with bright orange eyes and a familiar shade elf blue hair, appeared in the entrance. The boy squealed as he slowly waddled over ale the other male's grin. It looked like this little guy had just learn to walk. The tiny boy smiled as he hugged the other male's non-injured leg.
"Hwllo!" He smiled looking up at the male while hugging his leg.
"Hi Braxton. How's your mommy?" The male smiled messing with the toddler's hair. Braxton giggled looking up at the male.
"Ma-ma's bwwn cooking all nwight!" Braxton giggled. As if on question a person with dark brown hair and bright blue eyes looked out of the cave to see what his child was looking at. Ezra's heart stopped seeing this one. They looked a lot like a girl he used to know,
"Braxton get back in the house before you make Mira u-Oh my god Galen!" Arcann yelled running over and hugging his friend carefully. He too had large brown wolf ears. Galen smiled hugging him back carefully.
"See! This is why I'd tell you not to go on hunting trips! You end up having kids all alone in a field and get your legs stuck in a trap! I mean don't get me wrong they're adorable!  But, what would have happened if you died? Hmm? The kids would ha died with you all alone in the fields and-"He kept tabling on while the toddler rugged in Ezra's pants. Ezra smiled looking down.
"Hwllo, mister." He grinned. Ezra smiled dropping down to the boy's hight.
"Hi baby boy. How's it going?" He smiled.
"Good! I woke your hair!" Braxton giggled reaching up and messing with Ezra's hair. Ezra smiled messing the the toddlers hair making Braxton giggle louder.
"And another thing I-Ezra?" Arcann asked looking at him. Ezra smiled looking over. Then his heart stopped recognizing that face....that was his ex-girlfriend's face.
"Arianan?" He asks standing back up. Braxton whined a bit before he hugged Ezra's leg for fun. Arcann blushed a bit.
"A-actually it's Arcann now." He gulped.
"Oh..,sorry. I mean I should have known. You had your hair cut like that lias time we meet...How long has it been? A year?" Ezra asked. Arcann bit his lip.
"Twelve months and two days." Arcannn mumbled. Ezra tilted his head.
"Why so pacific on That? I mean you dumped me and I-" he stopped talking as he looked back down at Braxton.
"This is my kid, isn't he?" He ask breathlessly. Arcann bit his lip as he nodded his head yes. Ezra looks down before laughing and hugging Braxton close to his chest. He began to shower the boy in kisses.
"You're not mad?" Arcann asked bitting his lip.
"Oh my god Arcann he literally kept messing with Eclipse's nose the entire trip home. I'm pretty sure he's gonna marry you for giving him just the one. Hell, he's only eight so he's probably gonna marry you a thousand time for giving him Mira too." Galen smiled while the triplets began to whimper. Ezra's mouth dropped open looking at the male. Arcann blushed as Ezra realized why Arcann dumped him twice.
"I'm gonna go put them in bed. Braxton why, don't you come help me put your cousins to bed." Galen smiled ho,ding his hand out. Braxton smiled running over and taking his uncle's hand and walking off into the cave with him. The entire way there Galen whimper when his leg leg was used. Yet, the other male's just looked at each other for a moment.
"You could have called." Ezra finnlay sighed.
"I couldn't have. You were Ezra Bridger, Jedi knight. You went on how Jedi's weren't suppose to have kids or relationships. I wasn't gonna dump kids on you if you didn't want them." He sighed.
"I abated kids. Arcann baby, I always wanted kids. I always wanted you too. Hell the whole crew wanted me to marry you when ever you came to visits." Ezra sighed before pulling the male into a hug. Arcann giggled a bit hugging him back.
"That would make sense why Kanan kept asking me to name our first kid after him." Arcann giggled. Ezra stopped smiling and held the male tighter to him.
  I mean I left before he could sense it but, still if you wanna take the kids to meet him and the crew, I'd be okay with that. Just don't tell Kanan I didn't name the kids Dume." Arcann giggled. Ezra bit his lip s he held back tears.
"Ezra is something wrong?" Arcann asked looking at the male.
"Kanan's dead." Ezra mumbled.
"What? How?"
"Last night we went on a mission to rescue Hera. During our escape a walked shit as us and blew up Kanan." Ezra's voice cracked. Arcann's ears lowered around his head before hugging Ezra tightly. Ezra broke down sobbing.
"I know. I know you miss him baby but, he's always gonna be here with us. I promise." Arcann smiled kissing his head. Ezra sobbed into his chest for a bit longer as Arcann comforted the male. Soon he was sniffling into his chest as he had cried out all his feelings.
"Why, don't we go get Mira so she can meet her Dady? She's got you hair in eyes if that helps any." Arcann sighed kissing his head. Ezra gave a sad smile as he got ho and follow Arcann to the cave.
~time skip~
"Ezra!" Hers ran toward hugging her son. Ezra smile hugging her back. She glanced over his shoulder and saw Arcann standing there with another male as well as a bunch of kid.
"Ezra who are they?" Sabine asked pointing at Galen and the kids. Ezra smiled as he walked over and held three months old Mira in his arms.
"This is joy daughter Amira and my son Braxton." Ezra smiled. Hera squealed a bit hearing that she had grandkids. Sabine on the other hand giggled while Zeb awed over how cute Mira looked.
"And too is Galen and his kids Max, Eclipse and Dume." Ezra smiled. Surprisingly Galen let him name the oldest boy in the set of triplets. Hera froze hearing the oldest boy's name.
"A-and we were hoping to join your cause." Galen gulped.
"And what do you have to offer us?" Zeb asked. Galen out this kids on the floor before turning into a hug lath wolf, bigger than the ones they saw before.
"Would this be enough?" Galen asked in his wolf form. Zeb's face darkened.
"Y-yeah. That be perfect." Sabine gulped.

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