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"HE WAS WHAT?!" Hera yelled. Galen jumped a bit before gulping.
"Ezra was taken by Maul." He stated calmly as he looked at her. Sabine, Zeb, Rex, Kanan and Hera were surprised to see Galen driving a speed bike back from checking to see if the markers to kept the spiders away. Well, that wasn't the surprising part. It was that Ezra hadn't come back with him. Morgana walked in on Hera yelling at him a bit.
"Well, why didn't you stop him?" Kanan asked.
"He had a bomb so where on the base. He said if Ezra didn't come with him he would set it off." Galen stated as a look of panic spread across his face.
"That's actually a great plan. If the bomb went off a lot of our rebel would die and the empire would definitely know where we are. Ugh. I hate his guts but, Maul come sup with great evil plans." Sabine sighed. Hera sat down in the pilots seat. Kanan placed his hand on her right shoulder as she buried her head in her hands for a minute. One of her children had been kidnapped. She just needed a minute to think.
  Sabine on the other hand was talking over plans with Zeb, Galen and Morgana while Rex was try to call his wife who wasn't answering any of his transmissions. Chopper was listening to Sabine's plane until one of the doors opened. Kyle stood in the doorway. Everyone looked at him for a moment as he walked over to Sabine. It had been days since anyone except for Morgana had seen him.
"Okay then. Do you want me to continue explaining the plan?"Sabine asked. Kyle nodded his head yes. He could catch up quickly. It was something Amelie said he was good at.
"So we're going to tack Ezra's com to see where they went. Then a small group of about three or four should go to rescue him from the horned ass-." Sabine looked at Kyle. "Sorry. I mean cockroach."
"That's a great plan but, who's going to go?" Morgana asked. Sabine looked around the room. Everyone was listening with great interest. It seemed that she was the only one who could think right now. Sabine cleared her throat and began listing off people she thought should go.
"I think Kanan, Zeb, me and I can't believe I'm saying this, Morgana should go." She stated. Galen glared at her.
"Henry does Morgan get to go?" He asked. Sabine just sighed as she looked back at him. This was going to be hard to explain. While this was sharpening Kyle was having a heart attack. Morgana couldn't go without him. What if she died?
"Look, after our first run in with Maul, which one of us studied his culture, species and home planet as mush as they could to learn what we could do do find him?" Sabine asked.
"Morgana. That doesn't mean she should go though. What if you guys don't have enough back up? What if one of you dies? Let me go with you." He stated. Sabine thought about it for a second. Galen had great skills with both lightsabers, guns, hand to hand combat and was great at sneaking around. He would be the perfect candid as long as he didn't have to read anything up there.
"Yeah. You can come. I'll go get the second phantom ready." She smiled.
"Not without me you're not!" Hera stated standing up. Kanan shot a glare at her.
"What? No! Hear you are not coming!" Kanan stated.
"Why not?" She asked as she place she hands on her hips. While the two adults argued Kyle tapped onto Sabine's shoulder. She looked at him.
"I-I wanna go too. C-Chopper can look after the ship." Kyle stated. His voice was still scratchy. Sabine was relieved to hear his voice.
"This isn't for revenge right?" She asked.
"As long as I can save Ezra I know Amelie is proud of me. I don't need to avenge her. I just want her to see that even after she is gone I will continue to be the good boy she tried to turn me into for years." He smiled. Sabine nodded her head. With that the two left to go get the ship ready.
"WHY NOT? Hera are you listening to yourself?" Kanan asked.
"Yes I am. Give me one reason I can't go!" Hera stated. Morgana was now drinking water while listening to the two adult arguing with Zeb and Galen. Zeb sigh as he took another bit of the waffle he had gotten to watch ten minutes ago before all this happened. Meanwhile Rex was on finally talking with Ahsoka at the same table.
"CAUSE YOUR FIVE MONTHS PREGNANT!" Kanan yelled back. Morgana spat out her water all over her brother while Zeb proceeded to choke on his food. Rex dropped his communicator. Galen's mouth had dropped. Meanwhile Ahsoka who had heard everything said,
"I didn't expect that."
Bet you didn't see that coming. Any who, Yay! Summer! Which means Heart of an assassin is up! The first to two chapters are out so, read it if you can!

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