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"Arcann!" Ezra yelled dropping next to the boy. Arcann began to cough up blood as he lay on the ground like he had been for the past five seconds. He put his hand on his chest where he felt pressure. Then he looked moved it causing more blood to leave that wound. Ezra put pressure on it as Arcann saw his hand was covered in a bit of blood. Meanwhile behind the Sabine screamed charging at Gar Saxon.
"Oh god. This is really ironic." Arcann laughed a bit wincing. Ezra glared at him.
"How the fuck is this ironic?" Erza yelled.
"Ezra, Language!" Kanan yelled trying to run forwards to help Sabine. Urea sighed holding the male back reminding him of the rules of combat. Triston meanwhile was biting his lip while trying to call Thexan to tell him to grab the fist aid.
"You stopped my mom from shooting me earlier. Yet, this still happened." Arcann smirked looking at him. He held back another laugh for a second before a bit of it escaped. Ezra meanwhile looked like he was gonna strangle him when he got better.
"But, my mom didn't get me in the end did she?" He asked with a smirk. Ezra gulped a little nodding realizing how pale the male was.
Arcann hadn't done anything since his mom put the gun to his head. He just bit his lip and shut his eyes tightly. He waited for death but, it never came. Instead Ezra took the gun from her using the force. Afterword Ursa locked his mother up and left his brother along with three other people to watch her. Yet, no one expect Gar Saxon to show up. Though his hand to hand combat with Sabine was rather fun to watch. That is until Gar was left alive laying on the snow cold ground as Sabine turned her back. He dug out his gun and shot at her. Though it didn't hit her. Instead, Arcann pushed the girl out of the way getting shot in the chest. Ezra on the other hand ran past a few people to help stop the bleeding.
"I am gonna kill that ba-"
"Sorry Kanan." Ezra stated looking over his shoulder. Arcann laughed before falling silent looking helplessly upward. He saw nothing except a pale blue sky and a boy he loves. Arcann began feeling a little dizzy as he looked up. He smiled weakly up at the male before cough a few more times. The male tried to move his arms which were starting to feel numb.
"Arcann, stop it. Don't move." Ezra stated looking down. Arcann sighed looking up at him. He opened his mouth to say something when he cough up a bit more blood as blood began gushing out of the wound. Ezra screamed a bit trying to put more pressure on it. Arcann winced feeling a bit of pain for a second. Then for some reason it disappeared.
"Sorry. Look I know it hurts but, there's gonna have to be pressure put on this for a bit, okay?" Ezra asked trying to make it stop. Arcann cough again the exact moment he heard a yell of joy come from Ursa as she watched Sabine win her fight.
"It's fine. It doesn't hurt." Arcann smiled weakly looking up at him ignoring the tiny drops of blood that was sliding down his cheek to the ground. Ezra's eyes burgled out of his skull hearing this. Kanan dropped down next to him trying to help his son while bitting his lip.
"That's a good thing then. Right Kanan?" Ezra stated with a smile feeling a little relaxed. With his one good eyes Kanan bit his lip.
"Yeah. Yeah that's a good thing." He lied. Thexan stopped seeing his brother dying on the ground. He let out a heart wrenching scream trying to run towards him. Sabine held him back telling him he didn't want to see what was going on before sending him to call Hera. Soon Arcann began gasping for air as he saw a large familiar looking ship fly from over head.
"I-I don't wanna go." Arcann stated seeing a bright light above him now.
"What? Who said you have to go. You don't have to! You can stay! We all love having you around! It's fun when ever you come to visit and we all love talking to you!" Ezra stated as he felt tears fill his eyes. Kanan bit his lip as Hera ran over. She swore a little handing Kanan some bandages. She began wrapping them around him as he continued gasping for air.
"I love it here. Everyone's so nice to me." Arcann stated as the light got closer and brighter. His eyes were beginning to gloss over as he looked up right at Ezra.
"The stay! We love having you here." Ezra stayed a few tears were falling from his eyes now. Hera bit her lip working as hard and fast as she could at that time.
"I love everyone here! I don't wanna leave them all! I wanna stay!" Arcann began arguing with the light knowing what it meant.
"Then done go! I love having you around! I love listening to you talk! I love just being next to ypuM Arcann, I love you. So just stay so I can keep loving you." Ezra begged slipping his hand into Arcann's. Arcann's focus was taken off of light to the boy he loves. Or should I say loved. He squeezed his hand tightly lifting it up to his lips. When he looked back up the light was inched away from his face and was as bright as ever.
"Love you too." He smiled weakly before kissing the male's hand. Then his grip loosened as he took a finally gasp. His chest remained motionless as his hand remained over Ezra's.
"Arcann? Arc, this isn't fun. Arc get up!" Ezra yelled shaking him by the chest. Tears were now freely falling out of his eyes.
"No. Nonononononononononono! No! Arcann don't you dare leave me! You can't leave me! I love you! You can't leave me!" Ezra yelled shaking the male trying to wake him up. A bit more blood began to leave the bandages. Galen raced over quickly grabbed his brother and holding him as Zeb carried Arcann into the ship. All Ezra did was hug his brother tightly while crying his eyes out onto his shirt.
"It's okay. It's okay." Galen stated running his hands through his brother's hair trying to calm him down. He bit his lip looking at male male being dragged away while Thexan broke down sobbing on the ship's ramp in his boyfriend's arms.
"It's okay."
I know sad note to end on but, Merry Christmas and happy holidays everyone. I added one of my favourite Christmas songs up top to help cheer you guys up. Also here's some Star Wars Rebels Christmas pictures to cheer you up. By the way none of these are mine. Some are from Melody Arts though. I think I spelt that right. Any ways, love her art even though I don't ship Sabezra as much as she does.

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