Sleepover story

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"So let me get this straight, you're crying because your girlfriend who hit you died?" Amelie asked looking at the sad 14 year old girl crying her purple eyes out in a pillow. Morgana nodded her head. It had been two weeks after Theo died. So when Morgana began crying into a pillow during a sleep over with Kyle, Amelie had known she was crying about this. It was okay that Morgana was crying. She needed to move one, even if she didn't want too. Amelie sat down next to Morgana's feet. Then she grabbed Morgana and pulled her into a hug.
"I know what it feels like to lose a loved one. It may feel like the galaxy has stopped working but, eventually you'll except it. That does mean you won't miss them. It means you have excepted that they died and the world will continue for you as well as others." Amelie stated. Then the door opened revealing a tired looking Kyle and an energized looking Sabine. They both stopped in their tracks seeing a crying Morgana.
"M, what's wrong?" Sabine asked running over to Morgana. With a sniff Morgana meet her friends eyes.
"I-I miss T-Theo." She sniffed a couple times. Sabine held her arms out to Morgana. As you could guess she hugged Sabine back. As Morgana sobbed into her adopted sister's shoulders Kyle sat next to her saying it was okay over and over again trying to cheer her up.
A couple moments had passed and Morgana's sobbing eventually stopped. Now she was just hugging Sabine tightly getting the comfort she needed silently. Meanwhile Amelie was trying to think of something to talk about so Morgana didn't think about Theo and cry anymore.
"Hey, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to but, I always kinda wanted to know. How did you come out as Bisexual to your family? I mean I was talking to Kyle one day and he told me you were Bi but, I don't even know how everyone else found out." Amelie stated looking at Morgana. Morgana looked at her for a moment trying to think. Then she looked up at Sabine who was smirking a bit as she remembered something, before Morgana looked back at Amelie with a bit of a red face.
"You don't have to tell me. I was just wondering. I'm sorry if it was ru-" Amelie was cut off by Morgana who was now sitting on the bed next to Kyle who looked a bit confused. What were they looking each other like Morgana was gonna kill her.
"No. It's fine. It's just Sabine found out before everyone else in a kinda embarrassing way." Morgana stated.
"You don't have to tell us." Amelie stated.
"Nah. It was quite funny. So okay it started out like any other night.
~flash back~
It was a dark night on the ghost. Kanan, Ezra, Hera, Gaylin and Zeb were out on a mission. Sabine had to stay home to watch a sick Morgana who had just finished taking medicine a while ago. As Sabine entered her room she saw her twelve year old sister medicated off her ass laying on her bed. Her feet hung over the side of the the top bunk bed.
"Morgana, what's wrong?" Sabine asked.
"I was just thinking about things about life. Like what is life? Why do the same stars appear at night no matter where we are? How you can paint like an galaxy renowned artist?" Morgana slurred looking at the ceiling.
"Is that it?" Sabine joked looking at her sister on the top bunk.(so in the show I know she has a table under her bed but, in this version she has bunk beds which she splits with Morgana.). A dazed Morgana shook her head while looking at her hand.
"I am also wondering why I have five fingers on each hand while Zeb only has like four? Does he have four? I don't know any more? Also are clothes in public a necessary thing?" Morgana words became more slurred every couple moments. Sabine smirked a bit. She asked less questions when she was medicated type of high. It was even going to be more fun in morning when Sabine could ask her if she remembered asking these questions.
"Any other questions?" Sabine smirked climbing into her bottom bunk.
"Yeah. Like why do I like boys and girls?"
"Cause boys and girls are genders that everybody is."
"No not like friend. I mean like romantically."
"Oh. OH. OH MY GOD. Ezra was right."
"I mean I do just like ti-"
"Or di-"
"I really don't want to hear a twelve year old high child say this right now."
"Like do I have sex dreams I just had about-"
"OKAY I AM SLEEPING IN THE COCKPIT TONIGHT!" Sabine stated running out of the room. She was okay that Morgana was Bi. She just didn't want to hear about this sex dream or the person in it.
"Oh my god. You confessed this to Sabine while you were on drugs?" Amelie asked after laughing for two whole minutes. Sabine nodded her head yes as she laugh as loud as possible the same time Morgana nodded her head yes. Kyle was giggling right next to his embarrassed best friend.
"I wanna know though who was the sex dream about?" Amelie asked. Morgana shrugged.
"When I woke up I was to hammered to remember anything. The only reason I found out I said this was Sabine told me in the morning 'maybe it's because your bisexual.' While no one was around." Morgana confessed. To be honest she had some bets on who it was. She also had questions on why she asked about stars like always but, it was a dumb question.
"Can I tell them how you told me?" Kyle asked with a grin. Morgana sighed.
"Go ahead."
~another flask back~
"So what do you think about that Annie?" Kyle asked with a grin as the waiter who just gave him water walked away. Morgana's cheeks were red as she stared at the 14 year old blond girl that was just flirting with Kyle. Was this normal for people? Was it normal to like google eye boy's then, a girl like three days later.
"Uuhhhhhhh." Morgana couldn't think of anything to say to her twelve year old friend. Kyle smiled.
"I know. I can't believe a girl like that is flirting with me. Like why?" Kyle laughed a bit. Morgana looked at the 13 year old guy across the room that she was literally just crushing on then back to Annie. Oh dear god. This was what she felt like around Crystal and other boys. What was this? What was she into? Like was it a thing to like boys and girls? Maybe Kyle knew? Nah. If she asked he'd probably judge her.
"M?" The young inquisitor in train asked his best friend. Morgana looked at the her friend in the (ugly) inquisitor helmet.
"What?" She asked back.
"You know I can read minds right?"
"Oh come one. Why do your force powers screw me over?"
"They don't. Plus I heard some adults talking about it during a mission. It's called bisexual. It's when you like both genders."
"Wait, so you're telling me that people can like both genders and it's actually okay with some people?"
"Yup. Now why did you wanna know?" Kyle asked as he removed his helmet. A couple people were staring but, he no longer cared about that. He was now used to it. Then he began taking a sip of the water he ordered.
"Cause I guess I'm bisexual." Morgana stated looking at Kyle with a smile. Kyle spit out all the water in his mouth all over the table. A couple more people kookier at them before being told to mind their own business because that was an inquisitor by others.
"WHAT?!?!" Kyle asked loudly. Everyone was now to scared to look at the table with the deadly force user. Morgana's face was completely red and burried on her face.
Amelie slapped the back of Kyle's head.
"Owe." He whined.
"Way to not cause a scene." Amelie stated.
"Could be worse." Sabine smiled making Morgana's face turn even more red then want it was before. Oh dear lord. She wasn't going to tell that story, was she?
"How could it get worse?" Amelie asked.
"You could find out like everyone else did, by hearing her say a girl in the market place that Ezra like was so friggen hot." Sabine smirked.
"SABINE!" Morgana screamed.
~last flash back, I promise~
The boy's had just gotten back from the market with Morgana. All the way home Gaylin teased his brother with the fact he had a crush on some one. When the boy's entered they noticed Kanan and Zeb were playing holo chest while Hera was making dinner. Sabine was sitting with her feet on rope of Chopper while read something. Hera smiled as the boy's walked in.
"How was the market?" Hera asked.
"Good. Ezra found a lady he can marry that's his age." Gaylin smirked making Ezra's face turn as red as a tomato. Morgana mean while was playing with her hair behind them. Hopefully she didn't say what she was thinking.
"Well what did she look like?" Zeb asked.
"Oh she had a huge chest, big green eyes, short red hair, a beautiful smile according to Ezra and the most amazing personality. So basically she was cute." Gaylin grinned as Ezra began to leave the room.
"She was so friggen hot." Morgana blurted put before covering her mouth. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at we. Sabine was smiling a bit.
"W-what was that?" Hera asked making sure she heard Morgana right.
"I said I'm bisexual!" Morgana stated looking at them all. The room wa dread silent until Ezra screamed,
~back to the present~
"How did Ezra know?" Amelie asked. Everyone shrugged.
"Jedi powers I guess." Morgana smiled.(truth is she said it in a dream to get Crystal to date her in the dream after Kyle told her what it was. Yet, she said it out loud when Ezra entered her room to steal the Oreos that she had stolen from the kitchen area an hour before hand.)
"Well, come one. It's time we all get back to sleep." Amelie yawned with a smiled. Everyone agreed and headed back to bed. This was the best sleep over ever. How unfortunate that for one of them it was the last sleep over that they would ever have.
(That's right. I'm going to kill someone off in two chapters. Be prepared for the feels cause when they die someone is gonna break. If you want you can leave your guesses in this chapter of who you think it will be. Will you be right? Well, you'll find out very soon.)

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