One Unforgettable Night - The Miz

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Tonight was a big night. It was the TLC pay-per-view. I was nervous. Why? Well you see my best friend, NO...My crush was defending his title. Who do you ask? Well....His name is Mike. You know him as The Miz. We have been friends for about 2 years, ever since I became a diva. He was there to help me out, along with my long-time friend Kevin. Kevin you ask? You all know him as Alex Riley. Yup. That's right. We grew up together. Jealous? Good! Anyway, I was sitting in Mike's locker room with him watching the start of the show. I was watching the current match, which was Jack Swagger vs Kofi Kingston. I was rather bored with it, so I turned my attention to Mike.

"So, Mike. You ready for tonight?" I asked, turning to face him.

"Of course I am. I will win." Mike said, so confident.

"I know you will, Mike." I smiled. "You know why you will win?" I added with a smirk.

"Why is that?" Mike asked, raising a brow.

"Because you are awesome." I said, saying 'awesome' like he does.

Mike grinned and pulled me into a hug. My heart was beating so fast.

"That is why you are the best Elisha." Mike said, giving me a hug.

"Anytime." I smiled, not wanting to let go.

Mike pulled away when the door opened.

"Hey!" Alex said as he walked through the door.

"Hey Alex." Mike greeted him back.

"Hi Alex." I sighed.

"You alright Elisha?" Alex asked, walking over and sitting on the other side of me.

"I'm fine." I nodded.

"Well, I have to get out there for my match. See you both in a bit." Mike said, getting up and grabbing his jacket and WWE Title.

Once Mike was outside the door, I leaned back against the couch.

"Alright Leesh. Tell me what is wrong." Alex said, breaking the silence.

"We were having a moment and I WAS going to tell him, but you came in." I sighed, putting my hands on my face.

"Aw I'm sorry." Alex said, putting his hand on my shoulder.

"You know how long I have liked him and now that he is not with HER I have a chance." I said.

"You should tell him. It does not matter if I am here or not." Alex said, trying to relax me.

"I know, but it is just so hard." I sighed, shrugging.

"Who knows?" Alex shrugged. "He might feel the same." He added, a slight smile.

"What do you mean?" I asked, confused.

Before Alex could answer, Mike's theme hit and I turned my attention to the TV. I sat up as he walked down the ramp, looking cocky, and as hot as ever. He was glaring at the ring and holding his title high on his shoulder. Man did he look good. Especially with that title. None of that mattered to me though. I loved Mike for him. Not his title, money, or fame. He was sweet, kinda, caring, funny, and overall an amazing person. I watched as he climbed up and into the ring, glaring at his opponent, John Cena. I put my elbows on my knees and was biting my nails nervously. The match started and Mike was in control. Half way though the match, John got control. I got worried that Mike was going to lose. Mike then set John up for his finisher and got the pin.

"YESSS!!!!!" I cheered, jumping up and down.

I hugged Alex with excitement and waited for Mike to come back. After he was done celebrating, he made his way back. He walked into the room with a big smile. I ran to him and jumped on him, wrapping my legs around his waist. He put his arms around my waist as I clung to him.

"I knew you could do it!" I beamed, muffled on his shoulder.

"I did it for you." Mike whispered to me.

"For me?" I asked, confused, lifting my head.

Mike nodded. "Alex, can you give us a minute?" Mike spoke up.

"Sure." Alex grinned and walked out.

Mike walked back over to the couch, still carrying me, and sat down. He was running his hands up and down my back as he was looking at me. I left my hands resting on his chest.

"Elisha..." Mike started. "I can not keep this in anymore." Mike said.

"What is it Mike?" I asked, worried. "You can tell me anything." I added, moving my hands up and down his chest.

"I love you!" Mike blurted.

I stopped everything I was doing. I was in shock. Did he just say that?

"Y-You l-love m-me?" I asked in total shock.

"Yes. I have since the day I saw you." Mike blushed. "Your eyes, smile, laugh and personality had me from day one." Mike confessed, moving his hands from my back going down my sides and resting on my waist.

"I-I have liked you since I met you too. Your amazing eyes, your smile, kind/caring nature, personality, and you are funny. That is what had me stuck on you. Nothing else." I confessed, blushing like crazy.

"How come you never told me?" Mike asked.

"You were with HER." I frowned.

"Well, that does not matter now." Mike picked my chin up and looked in my eyes.

I looked back into those amazing blue eyes that I fell in love with. Mike then leaned in and our lips met. The whole world stopped moving as our lips were moving together so perfectly. I moved my hands from his chest and wrapped them around his neck. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer to him. He was kissing with so much passion I tried to match it. His hands were wandering up and down my sides, then rested on my thighs. I moved my hands to his hair and was gently running my hands through it. He broke the kiss and started to trail kisses down my cheek and jaw before making his way to my neck. He was gently kissing and nipping at my skin and I was doing my best not to move. Mike then hit my soft spot and I muffled a moan into his shoulder. Mike made his way back to my lips and pulled away.

"How about we go back to the hotel?" Mike smirked.

"Good idea." I said, breathless.

I then got off Mike and he grabbed his things and we made our way back to the hotel for an unforgettable night.

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