His Secret Love - Randy Orton

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Waking up after another long and sleepless night, I looked to my right to see the love of my love of my life sleeping peacefully. A smile appeared on my face at the events that took place last night. He was just so amazing, sweet, kind, charming, caring, amazing in bed, everything I could want from a man. The only problem is...he's married. Trying to shake that thought out of my head, I rolled over to look at how peaceful he was when he was sleeping. I did not regret what I was doing. His wife was never there for him and she stopped supporting him months ago. Who was there to pick up the pieces? I was. Many times I have tried to tell him to end it, but he said he couldn't. He did not want to hurt her like that after being married for 3 years. She was in love with him, but hated that he was away all the time. As I laid there watching him, he started to shift in his sleep, reaching for me. Giggling to myself, I moved closer to him. He wrapped his arms around me as he pulled me closer to him.

"Miss me already?" I giggled as I ran my nails over his bare chest.

"Mhm." He murmured with his eyes still closed, holding me tighter.

"I'm not going anywhere." I said, leaning up and pecking his lips.

I was about to pull away when I was pulled in further with him, deepening the kiss. His hands started to roam all over my petite body, causing me to squirm.

"You had your fun last night." I said after pulling away breathless.

"You're too irresistible." He mumbled against my lips.

"So are you." I brushed my lips against his.

Our moment was short-lived when his phone went off. Groaning, he moved his hand as he searched the nightstand for his phone. Looking at the message, he let out a sigh. I knew that sigh. It was his wife. Rolling off him, I laid with my back facing him. After he was done with his phone, he moved closer to me, draping his arm over my side.

"You have to go." I bit my quivering lip.

"I do." He sighed. "I will not be long." He kissed me on the cheek.

He moved the hair off my face, giving me one last peck on the cheek as he got up from the bed. He then got dressed before grabbing his phone and leaving to go see HER. Once the door shut, I rolled on my back bringing my hands to my face. Slowly sitting up, I swung my feet off the side of the bed. I then got up to get ready for the day. Grabbing my strapless sundress, I made my way into the bathroom. Stripping my pajamas, I slid on the dress. Applying makeup to my eyes, and lip gloss to my lips, I began to curl my hair. After I was done, I smirked at the reflection in the mirror. Walking back into the room, I could still smell his cologne in the room. Taking in the scent, I walked over, slipping on a pair of flip flops. Making sure I had everything I needed, I then headed out of the room for something to do. Walking to the elevator, I hit the button as I waited for the doors to open. When they did, I stepped inside as it made its way to the lobby. As soon as the doors opened, I heard muffled yelling coming from somewhere in the lobby. Carefully and quietly making my way to the sound, I hid behind a plant and listened.

"Where the hell were you last night?" I heard a girl bark.

"In my room sleeping." The man spoke, his voice tired and annoyed.

"I tried calling you all night with no answer. I demand to know what you were doing!" She yelled, her voice getting impatient.

"I had a long night and I was tired so I shut my phone off!" He yelled, having enough.

"What's gotten into you?!" She yelled. "You called me every night and for the past few months I have got nothing! I deserve to know what is going on!" She pleaded with him, tears now streaming down her face.

"Listen.." He rubbed the back of his neck. "You have not been there for me these past few months, spent all my money, and you don't support me like a wife should!" He barked, speaking the truth.

"What are you saying?!" Her voice trembled with sadness and fear of what was coming.

"We're done!" He yelled as he started to walk away.

When he said that, I had a million emotions running through me. I was bursting with happiness inside.

"Randal Keith Orton, don't you DARE walk away from me!" She spat, grabbing his hand.

"Looks like I am." Randy licked his lips. "Goodbye Sam, I'm sorry." He said as he pulled his hand away.

Turning from a tear-stricken Sam, Randy made his way through the lobby. I was in shock, since she loved him, but I really wasn't. What he said to her was true. She was not there for him like I was. I didn't care about his money or fame. I loved him for him and supported him whether he won or lost. Running my hands through my hair, I started to walk off. Hearing a beeping noise, I took out my phone.

Meet in the room in 10. - Randy

See you then. ;) - Jacquelyn

Putting my phone back in my bag, I then headed to the cafe to grab a coffee before going back to the room. Sipping my coffee, I slid my key in the door as it unlocked. Walking into the room, I saw Randy sitting on the bed wearing his famous smirk. Setting my coffee on the table, I walked over to him as I sat on his lap. Wrapping his arms around me tight, he pressed his lips to mine in the most passionate and intense kiss we have shared. Pulling away, we were both breathless.

"I did it." Randy grinned at me.

"I know. I heard the whole thing." I smiled wide.

"What do you say we celebrate?" Randy winked at me.

"I say..." I trailed off, biting my lip. "...what are we waiting for?"

Randy picked me up, laying me on the bed as he hovered over me. He leaned down, pressing his lips to mine. It was not long until everything we had on came off and we spent the day 'celebrating'.

*This was requested and I in no way want to see Randy and Sam break up. I am only doing what was asked and this is totally fictional. He does NOT have a daughter in this either.*

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